Chapter 37

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-=+Audrey's POV+=-

"Come back to the house with me," Niall said quietly.

We had been sitting quietly in the room for about five minutes. I didn't know how to feel. Yes, I was happy Niall and I finally got somewhere. But am I actually ready for this? This is my first, fully committed relationship. Ever. It's making me feel uneasy but, as Niall said, we just need to try.

"I paid to stay here for another two nights," I informed him. "I'm getting what I paid for from this room."

"Please," he groaned.

"In two nights," I sighed, rising from the bed and back to the computer.

 "Are you really going to keep looking at plane tickets?" Niall said, getting up from his spot on the bed and placing his hands on the back of the chair.

"Well, yeah," I stated, obviously. "We just agreed to change flights."

"Why don't you talk to your mom about it first? Just to make sure she's okay with it."

"Well, I'm pretty sure she's asleep at the moment," I trailed.

"Just wait."

I sighed. "Fine."

I grabbed my laptop and moved back to the bed. I pulled up netflix and handed the computer to Niall, telling him to pick a movie. I'm feeling slightly awkward about this whole thing. This would be my first official boyfriend. How do I act? What's appropriate to do and what's not? Do I cling to him and be over protective like a lot of people tend to do or do I lay back and let him do his thing? I've never felt so uncertain about anything in my life. Then there's that constant reminder of my mother.

I can hear her now, You're making a mistake. Have you learned nothing? What about Harry? I don't think I'd ever hear the end of it. In fact, once I tell my mom, I wouldn't be surprised if she never talked to me again. 

My thoughts were interupted by my phone vibrating on the bed.  Niall and I both looked down. Sean was calling. I looked back up at him and awkwardly grabbed my phone. "I have to take this," I said quietly, then walked out the front door.

"Hey, Sean," I smiled into the phone.

"Audrey," he greeted in response. "We still on for today?"

"Still on for..." I furrowed my brows together, trying to recall what plans we had made.

"An afternoon around town," he finished.

"Oh! Right! I'm so sorry I totally forgot we made plans."

"It's alright. You had a lot going on last night, I wouldn't expect it to be the first thing on list of things to remember."

I laughed a little. "I can see what I can do. I have to talk to..."

"Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I exhaled, awkwardly.

"So, you two worked things out, then, I assume."

"You'd assume correctly."

"Alright, well, why don't you go ahead and talk to him about it and get back to me? And if I don't hear from you, I'm still just going to come over."

"Why would you do that? Planning on starting some drama?"

"No," he quickly responded.

"I don't do drama, boy."

"Just let me know, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do that. Bye," I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. 

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