Chapter 22

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"So, I'll see you around then?" I said looking up at Harry.

"Yeah, you should come visit sometime too, Audrey," He smiled.

"Let me know when you start at ASU, Styles," I smiled. 

"Promise me, you won't wait around for me," he paused as I dropped my shoulders. "Remember what I said before, you've got Niall. Don't fuck up now."

"Yeah.. yeah, I know," I gave a smug smile to him as his flight was called over the intercom. "Goodbye, Styles."

"Adios," he turned away from me and headed to where he needed to be.

I walked through the busy airport. I saw couple after couple, family after family, and that's when I noticed how lonely I had actually made myself. Sure, my mom influenced it but there was no rebellion side to it. Most teenage rebellion is sneaking out, getting drunk, getting high, and having sex but my mom encouraged it. Especially since everyone else was doing it and not really getting into relationships, I just went with the crowd. I always blended in and never really stood out. It wasn't my mother's fault. This was all my fault. 

I sat in the driver's seat of my car in the parking lot. I stared blankly out my window before resting my head on the steering wheel and closing my eyes. Everyone was right; I needed to change. If anything, I needed to talk to my mother. I felt like I needed to yell at her and interrogate her for effortlessly manipulating me to screw up my life. But before I could even think logically about anything, I found myself on route to the freeway and on my way to her hotel.

After flirting with the guy at the front desk, I got the information to my mothers room and a key. So much for a secure hotel to stay in. The elevator dinged on the eleventh floor, my mother's floor. I stormed out and down the hall, searching for room 1127. The hallway layout confused the shit out of me. I went down two hallways before I realized there were signs pointing to where you needed to go. So after five minutes of searching, I finally found it. 

"Mother, open up!" I banged on the door continuously until it began to open.

"Well, hello to you sunshine," she grumbled. 

"Quit acting like everything I do is okay," I pushed past her, yelling. 

She just laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"You always encouraged me to go out and be young and drink and whore around during high school and you fucked up my damn mind!" I raged.

"You did that yourself."

"No, you knew. You knew that's what was going to happen in high school. Everyone getting drunk, high and having sex and the only thing you did was push me towards it. You fucked up my life."

"That's a little extreme," she remained calm.

"Go home. Get the fuck out of here and don't even try to contact me," I spat out. "You never wanted me to grow emotionally. Never. And because of that, look at where I am!"

"You're a strong young lady who is standing her ground against her mother."

"No, I'm your damn robot. And you know what, mother?" I paced back to the door. "I'm going to go make my own decisions and maybe I'll even decide to settle down with Niall."

"Not Harry?" She rose her eyebrows. 

"No," I stuttered uneasily then walked out.

I probably seemed like a mad lady to my mom but that was the last thing I cared about. I got back down to my car and turned on the engine. I immediately turned off the radio and sped down the freeway in silence, back to the soroity house. 

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