Chapter 41

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-=+Niall's POV+=-

As soon as I got back to my brother's place, I went upstairs to my room. Audrey had texted me on the ride home letting me know she was boarding her flight. Taking into consideration that it would be awhile til I heard from her again, I collasped onto my bed and decided to catch up on the sleep I missed. 

I was able to get about five hours of sleep but it felt like I only slept for a minute. It's was just past 1:30 in the afternoon. I grabbed my phone from my bed's side table to see that Murray had texted me a couple times. Instead of replying, I went ahead and gave him a call.

"Niall!" He said over the phone. "What've you been doing? I've been trying to get ahold of you."

"Geez, Murray, I took Audrey to the airport this morning," I reminded him. "I didn't sleep at all last night."

"You just woke up?"

"No, I'm still asleep, actually," I said, sarcastically.

"Alright, I get it. You just woke up," he voice trailed. "The group of us are going to Sara's this evening for a last minute Christmas party. I thought I'd extend the invitation out to you."

"Sara's place?" I repeated, remembering what Audrey had brought up in the car this morning. "Eh, yeah, sure. I guess I'll go. Gift exchange?"

"You know Sara."

"Right... Shit."

"Just go buy a gag gift for cheap."

"Nah, I got something in mind," I shook my head. "What time are we all meeting then?"

"I think Sara was planning on having people come over for dinner. So around five. I think she might need help though. Call her and find out."

"Murray, you're shit when it comes to remembering information."

"I take pride it," he joked with me.

"Alright, I have to get going then. I'll give Sara a call or something and I'll let you know what she says."

"I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one," Connor laughs. "But I'll see you there, mate."

I say goodbye before hanging up. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep but I couldn't pull myself to shut my eyes once more. In an attempt to wake up, I decided to run a hot shower. It was more soothing than eye opening and I slowly began to fell my eyes grow heavier.

I got out at about 2:15, put on some clean clothes, and headed downstairs to be greeted by Denise sitting in the living room with Theo, watching a children's television show. Theo was mostly playing with his toys in front of him while his mom seemed captivated by what was on the TV.

"Afternoon," I simply stated, drying off my hair with my towel.

Denise turned to face me with a smile. "Nice to see you're finally up, again."

"Sorry, I didn't sleep last night and I had to take Audrey to the airport this morning," I placed the towel around my neck and took a seat on the couch. "Greg at work?"

"Yeah, since he's taking the 24th off, his work asked if he could come in today instead."

"Fair enough."

"How was saying farewell to Audrey this morning?" She asked me.

"It was kept short," I sighed. "It just sucks that we were suppose to be here together until we needed to be back at university and then her mom cut it short."

"Oh, you'll see her before you know it, Niall," she tried to comfort. "Plans for tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm going over to Sara's for a Christmas party."

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