Chapter 25

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I lay there silently waiting for the boy to reply. It seemed as if minutes had past and he still kept quiet. "Niall," I nudged him a bit. "Niall, please answer my question."

He groaned. "What? It's bed time, Audrey."

"Are you actually going to avoid this question right now?" I sat up and waited for another response. "You've actaully got to be kidding me," I was getting annoyed now. "Niall," I made one last attepmt.

I didn't wait much longer before I threw my covers off of me. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. 

"Where are you going?" Niall's head perked up.

"Anywhere away from here."

"You can't just leave it's three in the morning almost."

"Watch me," I walked across my room and over to the door.

Just before I went to grab the door knob, Niall grabbed my outstretched hand. I immediately turned to face him making direct eye contact with his chest. "Do you really want to talk about this now?" He looked down at me.

"I really do, Niall."

"Alright," he sighed, taking my hand and guiding me back to the bed. "Why is this such a big thing that we figure this out?"

"I already told you," I spat a bit. "I'm tired of feeling confused."

"Why do we need to label our relationship though? Why can't we both agree that we like each other and stay the way we are?"

"Because," I shook my head. "I want to know you're here for the long run. Not in like the road to marriage kind of way. I mean, I don't want you to flake out on me and leave me behind. I want to be sure that we are as committed as we make ourselves out to be."

"Would you be upset if I said I think we should wait a bit longer?" His voice was hesitant.

My heart sank a bit. This isn't what I wanted to hear and I quickly felt a lump grow in my throat. I shook my head instead of responding verbally in fear that I might just start crying.

"You don't look like you're okay, babe," he shook his head and wrapped his arms around me.

"What do you expect?" I croaked. "I'm on my period."

I heard him laugh a little. "I'm sorry, Audrey. I just have a lot going on right now. I need some more time to figure things out a little."

"It's fine," my voice was barely audible due to the fact I was holding back from crying.

"Why don't we get some sleep now? We have a big day for you tomorrow."

"More like a shitty day," I said, crawling back into bed. "Goodnight," I mumbled as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Sleep tight," he whispered.


I laid down in my new dorm room. It was five in the evening and I was alone. I still hadn't met my roommate but I was strangely okay with that. Our room was connected to the dorm next to us by a bathroom. I wasn't looking forward to sharing a bathroom still. The room next to us was also a double and the girl's names were Haylee and Rebecca. They seemed like polar opposites but they were strangely close.

I put my headphones on and listened to my music. I tried to drown out what happened earlier this morning with Niall. I wasn't too hurt about it but it was just enough to replay through my head. 

After about thirty minutes, I decided to head down to the gym here. I slipped out of my clothes and into a sports bra and a pair of leggings.

I looked at my appearance in the mirror. My tattoo immediately caught my attention. "Nothing lasts forever," I reminded myself. "This too shall past," I rolled my eyes at myself as I grabbed my phone and room key.

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