Chapter 32

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On Thursday December 11, Niall and I boarded a plane to Ireland to attend his father's funeral. He has been really quiet and glued himself to a pair of earbuds. I wish I knew what to do to help him out but I can't help someone who won't talk. 

His father's passing came a lot sooner than predicted. About three weeks sooner, to be exact. I don't think he ever told Niall that the doctors told him they had given him a month but I think he saw it coming, clear as day. Since Thanksgiving, he just seemed to be getting worse and worse. He did have one good day though where we thought things were finally starting to pick up and he was going to make it. That was the day before.

Once we landed in Dublin and grabbed our bags, we made our way outside to the curb where we were getting picked up. Before reaching for the door though, Niall stopped me and pulled out a spare jacket then handed it to me.

"What's this for?" I asked quietly.

"You're going to freeze," he stated then pushed the door open.

I followed him out the door as I slipped my arms through the coat, immediately wrapping myself up. He was right. The sweater I was wearing just wasn't enough to keep me warm as I felt the cold pierce my skin.

Thankfully, our ride was already waiting for us and rushed to help us put the bags in the car. "Thank you, thank you," I shivered as I handed my bags to a man who resembled Niall but a tad older.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled. "Get in the car now and keep warm," he pointed to the back seat as he lifted my bags into the trunk. 

Niall was already sitting in there next to a child in a car seat. He seemed mezmorized by the bouncing child. Although I found the kid super adorable, I felt extremely uncomfortable in the car with people I didn't know. Not to mention the fact that I was also in a completely different country.

"Alright," I heard the man say as he closed the door behind him. 

"Hello," the female in the passenger seat greeted us. "How are you doing?"

Niall let out a grumble and shrugged before turning his gaze out the window. The woman then looked at me. 

"I'm fine," I shook my head a little. "Tired."

"What's your name? I don't believe I caught it," she asked. 

"Audrey," I extended my hand towards her. "Audrey Price."

"Nice to meet you," she smiled. "I'm Denise and this is Greg, Niall's brother."

"Hello," he waves in the rearview mirror to me.

"Oh and that's little Theo," Denise smiled at the wonderfully happy baby.

"He's so adorable," I said looking back at Theo.

We were set to stay with Denise and Greg at their house for the month. This meant staying here for Christmas, which also meant another holiday away from home. I had to keep reminding myself to not make this about me. Niall was upset and in mourning. I needed to be there for him as best as I could and not in my own mind.


"Niall, come on," I said, trying to gently wake him up. "You need to start getting ready."

He shifted about in his bed as his body was eventually turned to face the ceiling. "Morning," he grumbled, raising his hands behind his head.

I took a spot on the bed beside him. "How'd you sleep?" I asked as placed my hand on his chest.

He shrugged, "Alright, I guess."

"You moved a lot last night."

"Well, I guess that explains my need for more sleep."

"You always want more sleep," I quietly laughed. "But you need to get up. People will be here shortly then we'll all need to be on our way."

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