Chapter 24

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"Look at that one right there," I pointed up to the stars.

Niall and I were laying down on a blanket away from the tents and everyone there. We were laid down side by side.

"There are so many stars," he laughed a little, raising his arms and placing his hands behind his head.

I turned my gaze over to him. "They reflect in your eyes," this caught his attention and he turned to face me. "No, look back up it was beautiful."

"I want to see them reflect in yours."

I laughed a bit and closed my eyes before adjusting myself to face the sky again. I opened up my eyes and Niall propped himself up on an elbow. "I knew they would look better in your eyes."

"You're so confusing," I shook my head.

"I'm confusing?"

"Yeah. It's like 'don't expect me to forgive you right away but I'm going to act sweet to you still and kiss you on the cheek' and whatnot." I shrugged.

"You aren't any less confusing," he stated. I kept silent and waited for him to continue on. "Friends, we'll stick with that," his voice spoke softly. 

"Friends," the word slipped out of my lips with a nod, softer than his. 

We sat there quietly for a moment, looking at each other. His blue eyes were deep under the sky and shone by the moon light. Before another word was spoken, our lips met in a full on kiss. I waited for the kiss to come to an end but when it did we hardly split. 

"Friends don't kiss," I simply stated.

"Maybe we weren't made to be friends."

"But you just said--"

"Maybe we just need to work things out."

I relaxed back on the blanket. I wasn't about to ruin this moment with him so I bit my tongue. 


"Coach Auddy," Maddie ran up to me. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, Mads," I knelt down to her height. "Drop it, now. Okay?"

She pouted out her lip and walked away. Practice had finally ended and this day was finally coming to an end. Niall and I have made it pretty ideal to get together and study for Psychology every night this week. My grade had dropped and he happened to love the class, so it worked. We were going to try and meet tonight but I needed to pack. I had finally decided to move out of the sorority house. I was set to stay with Louis and Zayn until I found a roommate and an apartment.

I was nervous. Excited, but nervous. I didn't have hand outs from my mother anymore since I cut off from her and I haven't talked to her since. I was finally getting to start a new course in life.

 I got back to the sorority house and into my room. I looked down at my phone in just the right moment to answer an incoming call.

"Hello, is this Audrey Price?" The woman's voice asked.

"This is she. What may I do for you?"

"We need you to come pick up the key to your new dorm room."

"Dorm room?" I questioned. "That must be a mistake. I don't--"

"Your new place will be on the fourth floor in the Santa Catalina residence hall and your roommate's name is Ree," she interrupted.

I sighed into the phone, not wanting to argue. "Thank you, ma'am. I'll be down there tomorrow." I hung up the phone and collapsed onto my bed. Great, I had thought to myself. "Just fucking awesome!" I shouted and began to throw my things into a box. 

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