Chapter 35

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-=+Audrey's POV+=-

"Harry, why are we skyping if you're just going to," I paused when I realized he was ignoring and talking to Lina.

This bothered me. I wasn't sure if it was the fact that Harry was ignoring me, had a new girl, or both. It could very easily be both. But I was left sitting there listening to their conversation. All I could think about was the fact that the two guys that mattered in my life had made some pretty big, random changes and I was just here, trying to figure things out.

"Come here, come here," Harry waved over towards Lina.

She then took her spot next to him. Harry was right; she was gorgeous. She had long, dark hair and a radiant smile. "Oh, hi," she waved to the camera. "I'm Lina."

Harry swicthed his gaze back to his camera. His entire face seemed to perk up. He held a genuine smile and his cheeks turned a light pink. I had never seen him like this before.

"I'm Audrey," I smiled in response. "I was Harry's best friend in high school." I waved to the camera.

"Yeah, I've heard quite a bit about you in the last thirty minutes," she informed.

"Ew, you creep," I said to Harry. "If you ever want to know any embarrassing stories about him, I got you. Like this one time, the idiot wasn't paying attention to where he was sitting and--" I was busting up laughing at the memory.

"Alright, bye, Audrey. We're going to food now," he said rushing me.

"How do you even remember that?" I was laughing so hard I was crying now.

"You wrote it in my yearbook and there's a picture of it in there."

I couldn't take it anymore. I fell off the bed laughing and my stomach was now is incredible pain but I couldn't stop laughing. 

"Okya, bye, Audrey!" He said while Lina was asking what we were talking about. Harry quickly ended the call before I composed myself.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. I hadn't laughed like that in a long time. I need to get ahold of Harry's yearbook next time I see him. Lina needs to see that picture. Basically, what happened was Harry had unknowingly sat in some melted chocolate and when he stood up, it looked like he straight up shit his pants. The story is never not funny to me and it annoys Harry so much.

After that skype call and another thirty minutes, I began to get hungry. I didn't want to call another cab and go out though. So, instead, I went ahead and called Sean. He seemed like a nice guy earlier so why not ask him to come over with a pizza or something, right?

He got there thirty minutes after our phone call ended. I've never been so happy to get some food. 

"Slow down," he laughed as I grabbed my fourth slice of pizza. "I've hardly had two!"

"That's your problem," I said before taking a bite of the pizza. "I haven't had anything to eat all day."

"Well then, I guess you can have all the pizza you want then," he laughed, pulling out a small bag from his pocket along with some small sheets of paper.

"Is that legal here?" I ask out of curiousity.

"Everything is legal as long as you don't get caught," he nodded then prepared to roll a joint. "You want one?"

"I don't smoke."

"Not even once?"

"I've never been interested in getting high," I shrugged, starring down at my slice of pizza.

"You look like you're about to make out with that slice."

"What, you jealous?" I raised the slice to my mouth and took a bite maintaining eye contact with him.

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