Chapter 21

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I sat in the passenger seat of my own car and let Harry drive to the tattoo parlor. We already ate lunch at IHOP which gave us the worst service I've ever had at a resturaunt. Our waitress spent a good fifteen minutes talking to a costumer she knew personally, while I sat looking straight past Harry, into the kitchen where our food was sat waiting to be delivered to our table. The waitress not only messed up our order - because she didn't write it down - but she continued to complain about how it was her "day off and she wasn't supposed to come in today". Needless to say, she got a pretty worthless tip.

After directing Harry where to go, we finally parked outside the quaint shop. "What did we decide to get again?" He asked me turning off my car.

"One of us gets an anchor, the other gets a wheel to a ship," I said as I opened my door.

Leaving Harry behind, I closed the car door and made my way to the parlor door. Harry rushed over and opened the door before I could. "Where at?" He asked another question.

"I don't know. Just above the ankle maybe?" I shrugged walking past him. "It wasn't supposed to be this huge tattoo. Just something simple."

 "Why?" He followed me into the parlor.

"Why not," I retorted.

Zayn was there again, this time sitting behind the counter, flipping through some things, probably just trying to look busy. He looked up as soon as we approached the counter and stood to his feet. "Here again?" He smirks.

"Since when do you work here?" I return, leaning over the counter.

"I got offered a job here. It's pretty cool," he looked about the walls of the place before he landed his sight over to Harry. "How's it going, mate?"

Harry just nodded. He seemed shy which made me laugh a bit. He's never really been shy.

"What happened with you and Niall last night?" Zayn asks another question.

The events played back through my head. "Nothing," I forced a frown.

"He came down stairs with the rest of us and he was acting all weird. Like not laughing or smiling or anything."

"That's odd," I furrowed my brows. I felt awkward knowing exactly what had happened and I don't think I was playing it off very well that I didn't. "Is Brian here?"

Zayn disappeared into the back room and I let out a sigh of breath I didn't even know I was holding. Harry just laughed at me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"You," He shook his head. "You are a terrible liar."

"Am not," I crossed my arms and pretended to be offended.

Harry just laughed again. "So what did happen then, miss Price?"

"Don't call me that," I groaned.

"I will refer to you as Miss Price until you tell me."

"Your amusement in my frustration is sickening."

He laughed again, this time bring his face closer to mine.

"Audrey!" I heard Brian greet me.

I pushed Harry away from me. "Hi, Brian," I smiled.

Zayn was stood next to him, to the left of him to percise. Which means Zayn walked ahead of Brian out the door. Which also means he just saw Harry try to kiss me. Multiple "Oh shits" ran through my brain as Harry and Brian talked a bit. I swear I could feel Zayn's eyes questioning me, staring into my soul and just making me feel a lot more uncomfortable than I needed to be.

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