Chapter 36

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-=+Niall's POV+=-

"I could promise you the whole damn world, blondie, but I can't guarantee you anything." 

Audrey's words rattled through my brain the entire drive home. I never thought I'd be put in a position where I say something stupid enough to make someone want to leave. I couldn't have her leave. If she left, whatever we were would actually end and we'd probably never talk again. 

I walked through the front door to see Greg and Denise seated at the table, talking. I glanced over at them and stopped in my tracks. 

"Where's Audrey?" Greg asked me.

"She's staying down the street from here," I inform him.

"I figured would've come home with her," he shrugged.

"She's stubborn like that," I started to move again and walked back up to the room. 

I sprawled out on the bed, face down, taking a deep breath before rolling over onto my back. I had so much running through my mind. I knew for a fact, her leaving wasn't even an option to me, but was all of this really worth it? 

I ran my hands through my hair and hoisted myself back up. She's been the same since day one, stubborn and tenacious. I never expected her to stick around for as long as she has but I want her to stay. Seeing another guy in the room she was staying in sent a shock through me like no other. I knew she always had this habit but just watching her change so much this past month and a half, I wasn't ready to see her fall back into the old game. But who's to say she's not going to, anyway? For all I know, she could just get up and leave.

My thoughts were interupted as my phone viberated in my pocket. The glowing screen showed that Sara was calling me. "Hello?" I grumbled into the phone.

"Niall?" Her voice came over the line sounding a little shakey and frightened. 

"Is everything alright?" I sat up and swung my legs off the bed.

"There's," she hesitated. "There's something going on outside my flat and I just really don't want to be alone tonight. Do you think you could-?"

"Say no more, I'll head on over. Where you at?"

Maybe I was crazy for doing this, getting up and going to stay at my ex-girlfriend's place for the night, but I'm not about to leave someone alone when all they need is a friend. 

I quickly grabbed a bag and threw a change of clothes into it for the following day, along with a toothbrush and whatnot, the other necessities. I saved myself the struggle of packing a change of clothes for the night and put on a pair of pajama pants and pulled a hoodie over my head. Sara had texted me the address to her flat. I gave it one last look before grabbing my things and heading out.

Once I pulled into the car lot there, it seemed to have an eerie feel. Everything was quiet and still, which was strange for the time of night, I believe. "Sara?" I said, knocking on the door. 

The door slowly opened up. "Thank goodness, you're here," she threw her arms around me in a hug. 

"What's going on?" I guided us back into her flat and made sure to close the door behind us.

"There were people yelling. I think I heard a few gunshots, and someone came and banged on my door."

"Did you answer it?"

"Do you think I'm crazy?" She quickly retorted. "Thanks for coming, though. You know, on short notice and all."

"Don't worry about it," I smiled. "Anything for you."

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