Chapter 18

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“Oi, mate!” Niall called over. “She better than any girl you could land yourself!”

I laughed at Niall’s attempt to talk shit on Adam.  My snickering noises caught Niall’s attention and before I knew it, he made his way to me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

“Soak it up, Niall,” Adam continued on. “It won’t last long.”

I pulled out of Niall’s grip and made my way over to Adam. I had finally had enough of his shit. “Look,” I said through grit teeth. “You need to keep your mouth shut before I shut it for you,” I grit my teeth.

“Aw, how cute, look who’s trying to be a tough, big girl. Hey, how’s Liam doing?” Adam taunts. I make a move towards him but he stops me. “You want to make a good impression on everyone, don’t you?” His words stop me in my tracks. “Do what you want now and everyone will look at you in a bad light from now on,” he paused. “Do it.”

I took a step down from him. Niall and Jimmy joined me by my side. “You know each other?” Jimmy said, pointing between me and Adam.

“No,” I said while Adam said yes. I pressed my lips together in frustration. “Yes, we know each other.”

“How?” Niall asked drunkenly with his brows pushed together in confusion.

“He was friends with someone I knew,” I looked towards him. “Niall, let’s go lay down I’m tired.”

“It’s hardly even midnight,” he complained.

“Please,” I whined, taking his hand. He smiled at me as he gave into me. “Let’s race!” I said, turning and darting towards our door.

Somehow, the drunk boy passed me and crashed to a halt at the door. He rushed to open the door and lock me out behind him, but I stuck my foot in the door and fought my way back into the room. With all my momentum going forward, I stumbled past Niall and collasped on the bed. I rolled over onto my back to be greeted by Niall's blue eyes over mine. He kissed me in a drunken mess which quickly became heated until he pulled away and looked down on my.

"How do you know Adam?" He asks me once more. 

I groan, "Niall, I don't want to talk about it."

"Is he one of the guys you've been with?" He rolls off of me.

"I'm not talking about it now, Niall."

"Why can't I know about the relationship between you and my cousin?" He rises to his feet in a bit of anger.

"Because there is no relationship, Niall. Him and I don't get along and that's how it always will be."

"Why don't you get along, Audrey? There's a reason, I know there is."

"I'm not going to talk about it!" I snap.

"What happened between you two? What'd you do to him?" He continues to interrogate me.

"What did do? Did you really just say that?"

"Audrey, I know you.."

"No. Stop," I interupt him. I was greatly annoyed in the way he blamed me even though he was completely right. I rose to my feet and took a step towards him, leaving only about a half foot between us. His eyes looked down into mine as I felt tears begin to form. I looked away from him and to the bathroom door. As I blinked, tears fell in a rush and I ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. 

"Audrey!" I heard Niall call from the other side of the door.

I turned my back to the door and slid down it as I let memories flood into my brain and the tear stream down my face. I was sat there in the dark, trying to choke back sob after sob. 

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