Chapter 33

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I woke up the following morning at around five. I immediately got out of bed and looked at the boy in the bed, still passed out from the night before. I sighed and slumped my shoulders, remembering the events from the previous night.

After Niall had told me he didn't want me around, I completely gave into him. I told him I'd leave in the morning then asked him to leave me to myself while I got ready for bed and fell asleep. I kicked him out of the room, basically. He didn't seem phased by it at all either. He came back up into the room with another six pack of beer and went back outside. I had to refrain myself from going and telling him to stop drinking so much. He didn't care about that anymore.

I sat at the desk in the room and went on their computer they had there. I quickly looked up a motel not far from where I was now and called them up to book a room for the next few nights until I could find a cheap flight out of here.

I really didn't want to leave Niall here but after last night, I needed to prove to him that he couldn't just say that and expect everything to be okay. I've done as much as I can these past couple weeks for him and he just goes off and tells me to leave. I can't stay with him like this. 

I pulled together the few things I had taken out of my bag and placed them back to where they were. I also grabbed Niall's coat that he handed me as we left the airport. I probably shouldn't have but I could care less.

I zipped up my bag and made my way down stairs. I stopped in the kitchen and figured I should probably leave a note for Greg and Denise. I quickly found a pen and wrote on a paper towel:

               "Greg and Denise, I have decided to book a motel room and I will be staying there for a few days before heading back home. Please, don't let Niall know I left. Thank you, Audrey."

I also left my number there for them as well. I looked out the window to see a gloomy sky looming about. Great, I thought to myself. Absolutely perfect. I stopped and took out Niall's jacket before leaving Greg's house.

Thankfully, it didn't rain until I found a place to stay and wait for a cab. It was this nice little cafe. I ordered a muffin and a small cup of coffee in the meantime.

"What brings you here so early?" The guy making my drink asked.

"Oh, I uh..." I hesitated as I watched his hands. "I got kicked out," I made eye contact with him.

"Kicked out? A girl like you?" He seemed surprised. "You aren't from here either are you?"

"Nope," I said focusing back on the drink I desparately wanted. 

"That's a shame," he added as he placed his drink in front of me.

"It happens, I guess," I took the drink then looked at his name tag. It read Sean. "Thank you, Sheen," I smiled.

"It's Sean, but you're welcome," he laughed and I felt my face flush a burning red. 

"Sorry," I shyly apologized.

I found a small table in the corner by the windows and sat down. It was going to be about thirty minutes until my cab came around to pick me up. I stirred my drink as a whole lot of nothing ran through my head. 

I saw a pair of hands place themselves on my table and heard the squish of the chair sitting across from me causing me to jump. "Calm down," I heard Sean say. "You forgot this," he said pointing to the muffin I hadn't noticed he brought me.

"Oh, thank you," I smiled. 

"You doing alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, picking at the baked good.

"Your eyes are a little red, darling," he points out. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I just had a rough night is all," I shook my head, looking back out the window.

"Tell me a bit about yourself," he continued on.


"Get things off your mind. Tell me about yourself."

"Oh, well, I'm Audrey. I'm visiting here with a friend because his family lives here. I'm from the US," I started to say.

"I wouldn't have ever guessed you were from the states with your accent," he said sarcastically. "And a friend? Are you sure you don't mean boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I laughed a little. "We were just taking things slow."

At that moment, the bell at the door rang and Sean stood up to help the costumer. I looked down at the napkin he had given me with the muffin and found he had left his number written on one of the corners. I laughed a little again but I pulled out the cheap phone I was using and put his number in.

No, I'm not looking to hook up with him or anything. I just figured it's be nice to have someone to talk to while I'm here for the time being. Especially since Niall is out of it.

The cab came sooner than I expected it to. I had only eaten half my muffin by the time it came. I wasn't really hungry though, so I just threw it away. "Thank you, Sean," I said as I walked past the counter. "I'll be sure to text you later or something," I pushed the door open as he waved goodbye.


This motel room alone was getting unbelievably boring. When I got here this morning, I fell back asleep considering jet lag and all. I didn't wake up until three in the afternoon and since then, I've been sitting on my laptop using the motel's crappy wifi to watch Netflix and to go on Facebook. 

At about six in the evening, I got a skype call from Harry which was surprising to me.

"Audrey!" He said as my screen pulled up his face.

"Hi, Harry," I smiled. "What's going on?"

"You in California still?"

"No, I'm staying in Ireland for a couple days."

"You go there with Niall?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well, where is he?"

"He kind of," I paused. "We got in an arguement last night and he told me he didn't want me around."

"Harry, who are you talking to?" I heard a female's voice giggle in the background.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm visiting in Arizona. You know, just getting to know the area around here."

"The area or the girls?" I joked.

"Shut up," he ruffled his hair. "I happened to run into her the other night and she offered to show me around."

"Oh," I said, laughing at my own joke.

"She's gorgeous though, don't tell her I said that," he whispered.

"I don't even--" I began to respond.

"Hi, Lina," he smiled, looking away from the screen.

Well, I thought to myself. Isn't this just lovely...


Okay, so another chapter. What? Yeah. I made this one short on purpose. I figured it would make more sense for the next chapter coming up. 

Anywho, two chapters in twenty-four hours. Woo, Denise is on a roll! Just kidding.

Thank you to all of you who have been reading so far. I woke up this morning at like 11:30 to find that "Adore" had gotten 2,000 reads overnight which is unbelievable. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Next chapter will be Niall's POV.

Love you all. (: 'Til next time,

Denise Rose x

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