Chapter 30

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"So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" Ree asked, looking down to me from her bunk.

I gave her a pretty nasty glance in return. It wasn't on purpose, I actually liked Ree, but I was ready to get out of this dorm. "To Niall's place," I said, plainly.

"Are you celebrating then?" She asked another question. "Like having a dinner for it."

"Well, considering Niall is from Ireland and doesn't celebrate it, I'm going to say no," I emphasized the word celebrate as I threw another piece of clothing into the bag.

I hated that word to describe Thanksgiving. To be honest, I don't even understand why it's a thing. I know it was the first meal with the indians and the pilgrims but they went on to kill all the indians afterwards. So really, this "celebrating" was like honoring a blood fest. But somehow, we turned and twisted it into a day to sit back be grateful for what we have. It's kind of a sick thing in my mind. Sick as in gross.

"That sucks," she said quietly.

"Why does it suck?"

"Thanksgiving dinner's are the best," she laughed, sitting up.

"Well, if you insist," I chuckled with her. "You and Adam doing anything?"

"Yeah," she smiled as her face turned a light pink. "I'm having dinner with his family. They have this huge dinner and party every year."

"You know?" I rose my eyebrows. I knew they haven't dated long enough for her to know what Thanksgiving with his family was like.

"Yeah," she nodded. "My dad works with his dad and they're pretty close. We went last year for the first time in like three or four years."

"Well, that sounds nice," I spread a sarcastic smile across my face, completely uninterested in hearing about their party.

"I'm sure you and Niall can go," she pointed out.

"I think he'll just want to relax over break. You know, just enjoy the time off while we can before finals come up."

"Don't enjoy it too much," she giggled.

"Ree!" I exclaimed as I laughed along with her. I reached over to my bunk and started throwing my few pillows at her. "You dirty minded whore," I joked with her.

"We're in college, what did you expect?" She continued to laugh and I threw my pillow in my bag.

"I can't believe you said it though."

"I'm not sorry," she composed herself. "You set it up."

"I know," I sighed, squating on my bag to close it. Thankfully, I was able to effortlessly zip it up. "Well," I rose to my feet and took my bag in my hand. "I'll see you around then."

"Adios," she held up a peace sign as I exited the room.

I clunked down the hall and into the elevator. Niall was already at his dad's place since he left last night. I was beyond exhausted last night so Niall suggested that I just meet him up there today then sent me the address. It was no more than 45 minutes away, which wasn't too bad. I filled the time with blasting music and jamming out, nothing out of the ordinary.

I arrived to his dad's house by noon. It was rather cozy. When you walked in, there was a short wall that met the bottom of my ribs. Just around there was the kitchen and in front of you, there was the living room that had a set of sliding doors and just at the back, a short hallway. There were many doors there for the size that it was. One lead to a bathroom, another to the garage, and three of them to bedrooms. Small and cozy, perfect for the cold weather coming in.

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