Chapter 47

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-=+Audrey's POV+=-

"Thank you guys for finishing this up for me," I smiled, grabbing my phone and heading towards the door.

"I didn't agree to this," Louis said while him and Niall dragged their steps behind me.

"It's not like you had plans anyway," I joked.

"Well, not anymore," he shot back.

"Goodbye," I lightly said as I walked out the door.

I hurried through the house, passing Zayn while he was on his way back out there, drinks in hand. As notified, Mary and Eleanor were sitting in her car waiting out front. I was excited to see them. It felt like forever since I've seen them. "Look at you, boo," Mary said as I got into her car.

"Ew, boo? Really?" I commented.

"Goodness, I've missed you," she laughed.

"Eleanor," I smiled, leaning over her seat. "How've you been?"

"I'm alright," she quietly replied. "Been better."

I let my face twist in some confusion but Mary quickly brought the mood up by blasting music and singing along. Eleanor and I joined in sounding like a group of dying animals. The entirety of the short drive was like this.

Once we found a place to pay and park on the curb, we all got out. "Who's paying?" Mary asked, obviously avoiding paying herself.

"I will," I offered, climbing back into the car. I froze in my spot, staring at an empty backseat. I slowing backed out, "I left my purse back at home."

Mary dropped her shoulders as we all piled back in. "You had one job," she said, starting her car.

"And what was that?"

"Bring money so we could split the check and parking."

"Oh, come on," I lightly nudged her shoulder. "Olive Garden will still be here when we get my wallet and come back."

"I just better get my damn pazookie," she muttered.

"If you don't get it, I'll make you one or something, alright?" I reassured. "Don't have such a stick up your ass."

"She's a little stressed," Eleanor quietly piped up. "School and Troy and things."

"Don't bring any of that up, please," Mary groaned.

"I'm assuming I missed a lot," I trailed.

"Enough about us, your trip! You went to fucking Ireland! How was that?" Mary's mood seemed to pick up.

"Freezing cold," I scoffed. "Take a right here, it's faster."

Mary did as I directed and we were back at the house in no time. I quickly opened my door and rushed to the front of the house only to be locked out. I threw myself a bit of a fit, stomping my foot before running to the side gate. Upon realizing this was locked, I heaved myself up and over. I almost landed on my feet but I stumbled over. "Well, I'm a fucking idiot," I muttered to myself, rising back up and walking to the door of the guest house. I swung the door open, "Hey, I forgot my-" I stopped dead in my tracks looking between the two boys. The air in here had changed remarkably, "Did you both get like incredibly depressed once I left or something?" I joked, trying to somehow lighten the mood while I was here.

"We just missed you so much," Niall smiled, easily playing along.

"I knew you would," I shook my head and laughed. "I just forgot my purse."

"Now, how'd you manage that one?" Niall asked while I walked to retrieve it.

"I was in a rush. But I've got to run again before it gets too busy at the restaurant and we have to wait an extra 45 minutes for a table."

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