the feathers of happiness, XII

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"Nao? Is something the matter?"

Hana spoke, bringing him back to reality.

"Ah, it's nothing... we should leave the train."

With a quick pace,

he grabbed Hana's wheelchair and pushed it gently.

Hana looked around in awe.

It was her first time in this particular place.

The sparkles in her eyes told Nao that she was

very fascinated with the place.

Nao felt the same.

After all, it felt very different.

In contrast with the last time he went here,

It was full of people, bringing with it

the busy atmosphere that almost every city has.


Nao knew it was the same place.

He felt like a child who was coming back to his hometown.

Nao pushed his glasses upwards,

in the same old fashion that he always did.

"I'm curious,"

Hana asked.

"Why did you choose this place, Nao?"

"Ah, there was a time before I met you...

that I wandered here by complete accident.


I met some great people."

He took his phone from his pocket.

With a few taps,

he reached the page containing people's contacts.

Four names stood out.


and three people he met last winter.

I hope they're all doing well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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