the gentle whisper of the wind, XIII

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There she was,

wearing what seems to be a blue casual dress, most often seen in girls her age.

"Hello, Nao!" She called out to him, who was still walking towards her quietly.

He put his hand up as a sign of greeting, his other hand resting in his pocket.

"Greetings, Hana."

He looked up the sky, the puffy white clouds surrounded by the endless blue.

It looked similar to the sea, as the clouds moved around it like boats on the way to their destination.

Nao sighed, wishing he was as free as the clouds.

He sat near her once again.

"...You've brought my sketchbook with you?"

he asked, seeing her small hands clasping what seems to be an old sketchbook.

She nodded.

"Mhm, for some reason...

...I couldn't part with it."

"You loved the drawings that much? I'm glad,"

Nao exclaimed, laughing as he did.

"Days like these...

aren't bad."

He said to himself.

Maybe I was really supposed to give her that sketchbook of mine.

And so, their days of joy began.

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