a new leaf, XIV

60 14 10

Nao ran.

As fast as he could, without stopping.

It was as if he was being pulled by some kind of unknown force.

He was asking himself.

Why now?
What made me so determined... to correct my past mistakes?

Why is it that... only now do I feel like this?

What if...

She and the others... leave me again?

What if she won't forgive me...?

How will I solve this?

Can things still be fixed?

Many thoughts ran through his mind.

With each step came another question,
as though he was planting seeds of doubt within himself.

One question stood among the rest, though.

What changed?

As he huffed through each passing second,
images of her flashed through his head.

He could feel a smile on his face as he ran.

I see now.


isn't it?

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