a new leaf, XVIII

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"Sumika… thank you."

He whispered to her in a hushed tone.

Between his clouded vision, he could see only a faint silhouette of his childhood friend.

But, he was looking at her with unclouded eyes.

Nao looked at her without any filters.

He asked himself why he took off his glasses― but then he understood.

Maybe… I just wanted to see my childhood friend like how I used to?

His elder sister pat him on the head like how she used to back when they were kids.

Somehow, it felt like the old days came back to both of them.

A nostalgic feeling rushed over to Nao.

He remembered the days when he was still carefree.

Could there be a chance for that him to come back?

He was deep in thought―

somehow, in his mind he could see that their two other friends may still be angry at him.

He felt it again.


The abyss.

Coming back to haunt him.

But then,

he remembered her.

His light.

The person who saved him from that darkness.


just maybe,

he is not alone anymore.

Rather than worry― maybe the feeling was actually


A Tale of Two FeathersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora