a new leaf, VI

43 17 9

"I'm about to sleep as well.
Please take care of yourself.
See you later!"

He placed his phone near his bed.

Nao yawned as he donned his nightwear.
After all, it was merely minutes away from midnight.

There was that feeling again.

Was it sorrow? Pain? Anxiety?
He didn't know. He couldn't explain it with words.

Nao got up from his bed and wore his eyeglasses.
He put on a pair of warm, comfy slippers.

The luminous essence of the blue sky above was free from any clouds.
There were millions of stars shining brightly, basking in the moonlight.

They were all swimming in the ocean called the heavens,
each with their own destinations.

Is there any chance that she would be looking at this right now as well?
He thought, putting his hand up, as though reaching for the stars above.

"There are a lot of stars outside,
but it feels like there was one added just for tonight.
I can feel her sparkle, even though we're apart."

He smiled at the night sky.

"It's a warm feeling."

A Tale of Two FeathersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin