tomorrow. XX

39 9 14

It was night, the time before bed.

Hana was thinking deeply.

She thought about her life.

She knew she couldn't be her past self.

The Hana who can run around and do errands,

Nor the Hana who can dance along with the rhythm of music.

She couldn't be neither.

She is Hana, the girl who couldn't walk forward

her own future.

But at the same time, she knew.

She can only accept the hand dealt to her.

She can only accept herself for who she is now.

"Mom," she faced her mother,

who caressed her hair while waiting for her to sleep.

There was a slight smile on Hana's face-

The same face that lost its vigor a few weeks prior.

It was the first smile she showed

since the last few days.

Tears welled on her mother's eyes.

Hana's mother couldn't hold herself back from

embracing her daughter.

Hana spoke softly, without any hint of hopelessness.

"Mom, when we go home...

Could I eat dinner with you again?"

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