the blooming of tomorrow, X

41 10 3

Hana would wake up,

although not in her room,

and not with just a night's worth of sleep.

But, almost a week.

When she woke up,

her mother was beside her―


"Hana… My Hana's finally awake."

Her mother tried her very best to stop herself
from breaking down― and embraced her child.

"I thought I would… lose you."

Hana muttered quietly.

When she tried to move her body,

a sharp pain ran through it.

She realized she was in a hospital,

and that her hand was hooked up to an IV―

probably to keep her fed with nutrients.

She still had minimal strength to speak,

and no memories about what happened afterwards

on that fateful day.

"…Why are you crying, mom…?
You look worse than me."

She said, in a very tired way―
although she wanted to make her mother laugh.


her mother was unable to.

Her mother cried and cried,

due to having known what happened to her daughter.


she couldn't bring herself to say it.

A Tale of Two FeathersWhere stories live. Discover now