the fossils of yesterday, X

58 19 14

Nao froze up.

Seiji froze up.

Kouta froze up.

"...I told you, I like Nao."

She repeated once more,

as if her message didn't get across

the first time she said it.

She fiddled uncomfortably in place,

as if waiting for their reactions.

Seiji laughed, giving Nao an impish look.

"Well, well... Nao~"

He inched closer to the boy in question.

"Now then~ What will you say to her~?"

"Eh, what do you mean?"

Nao looked curiously at Seiji.

Then, as if it was a matter of fact, he shouted.

"I love her too, you know!"

A Tale of Two FeathersWhere stories live. Discover now