a new leaf, XV

45 13 8

With each step,

he could feel his breathing slowly go out of place.

Nao returned to where he saw Sumika earlier,
and with much haste.

She was still there,

although this time sitting in the corner with her head slumped down her arms.

The papers which she held earlier now rested beside her,

being held down by the cap which she put atop them.

As she noticed his footsteps, she looked up at him,

still clutching his handkerchief and with tears in her eyes.

She wouldn't speak― or rather, couldn't.

There was that audible silence which Nao was very familiar with.

Yet, this time the silence was neither relaxing nor charming.

It hurt Nao's ears, which made him deaf as the silence grew louder.

He knew he wouldn't be able to withstand it.

And thus,

he wanted to speak.

"…I'm… I'm…"

But for some reason, he couldn't find the right words.

Don't say it.

You'll get hurt again.

She'll leave you.

She won't forgive you.

She'll push you away.

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