a withered leaf, XII

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Nao resisted the urge to run to the opposite direction.

"W...Why are you here…?"
He mumbled, holding his glasses.

Sumika took off her cap,
letting her now-long hair run loose.
"I-I don't believe it…"

She reached for Nao's shoulders.
She wanted to remember the warmth of his presence.

Nao stepped backwards.

"Don't… touch me."

His hands started to shake,
as he tightened his grip on his glasses.

"I-I see…"
Sumika solemnly put her hands down.

"It's been a while… Nao."
Her eyes began to water.

Sumika's emotions came rushing out.
Whimpers and sobs replaced her words.

"I… I thought I'd never see you again!"

Nao remained silent.
A sharp pain ran through his body.

Is it guilt?



A part of him wanted to comfort her,
but another part of him wanted to leave her.

"I'm… sorry."

He handed her a small handkerchief.

Nao walked away, and went on his way to the fields.

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