"Yeah, I look forward to reading it."

We grabbed food before Dinah and I went to the yoga studio which was really someone's home. But it was... zen, and after the adrenaline rush of jumping out of a plane, zen was exactly what I needed.

"Yoga never had anything to do with me losing control did it?"

Dinah shook her head and laughed, "not really I wanted it to be a surprise, and I figured it would be a nice way to calm down after the adrenaline rush."


The silence surrounded us like stars in a freckled night sky; it was like a restorative elixir after the frenzied rush of the day. It was comfortable, like that first undisturbed layer of snow in winter. I stared straight ahead and appreciated the scenic route that the navigator was taking and I allowed the silence to enter my soul and smooth out the rough edges that developed ever now and then.

Dinah reached for my hand and smiled when she didn't pull away. I looked over at her briefly and grinned. "So we should discuss work and how we do this moving forward."

She sighed, "yeah... I've been thinking about it and I think for now it's probably best that this stays between us. At least at work anyway. You just promoted me and rumors will start like wildfire. Not to mention the fact that you could lose your job and people could start saying that I'm sleeping my way to the top. Stuff like that is hard to come back from though."

"It is. As long as we can keep work and this separate, we'll be okay."

"You just want to be able to yell at me at work."

I laughed, "no, but I still need to be able to treat you like any other employee."

"That's fair. Finally, I thought we were never going to get home."

"Shut up, what's going on. Why's everyone outside."

She smiled, "it's game night."

"Oh shit, I hope you guys play jenga because I am ruthless."

"We do games night a little differently here. We play traditional games sometimes, but we also play manhunt, at sunset because it's way more fun when it's starting to get dark.

I parked her car and we walked over to where everyone was huddled up, two of Dinah's cousins, the Saveas as well as Dinah's ex, Nutella and his girlfriend included.

"So nice of you to join us ladies," Milika said sweetly. "We're playing manhunt and we were just dividing everyone. You two can join the hiders. We're heading to the park. Stay in the covered area, for your own good, you're only allowed to cross the boundary if you're being chased. Avoid being caught at all costs."

Once we got to the park, the seekers turned around and gave us a minute to disappear. Dinah and I went straight for one of the trails before venturing off the path into the trees. We kept walking leisurely and occasionally using the flashlights on our phones when we really couldn't see.

"It's been like 20 minutes, what if we just go back to the parking lot, get into my car and leave?"

Normani laughed, "tempting but your mom is scary and I don't want to get my ass beaten. Why don't we make this interesting. Let's split up and whomever gets caught first does whatever the other one wants."

"I like the sound of that."

We split up but I could see her from my hiding spot, so when Gordon caught her, I saw and smiled. She sent me a text saying she had lost, I suspect on purpose because I had forgotten to put my phone on silent. Gordon looked in my direction and I saw Hoi and Gina appear out of nowhere, so I started running. I could hear footsteps not far behind me and with every step I took, they seemed to get closer. I took a quick look back as I ran and saw Hoi sprinting towards me and gaining with each stride he took.

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