Slim Pickings

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So, all through the day, I worked on finding matches for all my clients. I sat through meeting after meeting, listening to people drone on and on about their fucking dating issues. I tried very hard not to appear as disinterested as I was. Forreal, I just wanted to go home and be all in Chez's face. I also thought some more about what was going on with Slim.  I couldn't decide if I should actually go meet with her and handle this face to face, or continue to ignore her. I felt like since I finally knew who the suspect was, it was less risky to go and meet her. I knew I could beat her ass as far as a fight goes, but the bitch sent a machete to my house. Clearly she's not against using weapons to harm me, if she really wanted to. But then again, I wasn't sure me that she was after. I get that the letter was addressed to me, but it seemed this was done to throw me off of her scent. Now, I didn't think any of the letters were genuine. They couldn't be! We slept together like five years ago. Why would she have held on to that experience? What kind of sad life was she leading that disallowed her to get over me? If it was recent, I'd get it, but teenage me was a fucking mess.

Hours later, I walked through the door to an empty home. I didn't see Duchesne's car outside, so I figured she was still at work. I was a little hungry, so I decided to make dinner for both of us. I looked in my fridge to see what I had. I shook my head at how empty it was. I should be ashamed of myself. I make a mental note to go grocery shopping this week. I did have everything I needed to make tacos. Luckily, I'd decided to go ahead and thaw the ground beef in the fridge yesterday. I take it out of the fridge, also grabbing the tortillas, sour cream, shredded cheese, and tomatoes. I washed my hands and pulled out my big pot, setting it on top of the stove. I turned the nozzle, setting it on medium heat. As I wait for the pot to get hot, I grab the taco seasoning and set it on the table. It was too quiet in here, I needed some music. I unlocked my phone and opened one of my favorite apps. I go to Soundcloud and went to my favorite playlist: the 2000s biggest hits. I bob my head as I blast the music from my phone and pick up the bag of ground beef from the counter. I grabbed my shears from the knife block and cut the bag open at the top. Then, I squeezed about half of the package directly in the pan and smiled when I heard the  hissing sound. After doing that, I put it away and grabbed a wooden spoon to separate the meat. Then, I poured a pack of the taco seasoning in. Just then I felt it in my soul to belt along to the song that was playing.
"Now everyone around me thinks that I'm going crazay!" I shuffle in front of the stove and mumble some more of the song, attempting to fold in the seasoning I just put on the meat. I go back to belting my heart out. "I keeeeeee-" I fall silent as I see Chez in the kitchen. "Hey, girl." I greet, before seeing what was in her arms. She had been hugging a paper bag full of groceries. I put my hands on my hips in disapproval. "Babe." She only raised an eyebrow.
"I don't wanna hear it, Mick. I already did it so you may as well accept it." she says, with a little edge to her voice. Come to think of it, she hadn't smiled yet. "Okay. Thank you for looking out." I say. She leans in for a small peck and sets the bag on the table. I check on the meat and turn the stove off. "You alright?" I ask her. She starts to put things away aggressively. She just exhales sharply. "I will be." she says, grabbing a glass jar of jelly. I grab it from her and place it gently in the fridge. She sucked her teeth at me. "What happened?" I ask. "Just some bullshit at work. I don't even wanna get into it." she says. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well, I ain't gon' force it out of you, but for future reference, I'm always here for you to talk to, about whatever." I said. She smiled weakly. "Thank you, baby." she replied softly. "I'm just gonna go wash up." she says, before walking in the direction of my bedroom. I go back to paying attention to making the tacos.

After a few minutes of silent eating, I found a way to start up a conversation. "So, I was thinking about what we talked about back at the hotel, you know."
"We talked about a lot." she quips, hinting to me to be more specific. "On the career front. You know, talking about what my dream job would be. I walked in today and wanted to be anywhere but there. I'm thinking about leaving it but I can't think of a safe alternative."
"Safe? What do you mean?" she asks, taking another bite of her food. "Safe, like... secure. I wanna leave my job so badly, but it pays so well. If I'm gonna switch jobs, I gotta find one that can pay at least similarly to what I get, now." She nods her head in agreement. "What about your just job didn't you like?"
I sigh. "I'm just tired of it, I need change. Especially after our whole thing, I just don't wanna deal with this aspect of life all the fucking time. It's a damn mess. It's like... I don't wanna deal with everybody else's problems to this extent. I like to give advice, but damn, having to be so involved in their new situations is exhausting. Not to mention I had to keep a smile on my face hearing other people praising me for helping me find their soulmates, when I couldn't even keep my own damn relationship in good standing for longer than three days." She giggles. "Here's what I'm thinking. How about you try that whole YouTube thing out? You used to do it, right?" she asked. "Yeah, but there's no way I could live off that." I said, dismissing the idea. "I'm not telling you to. I'm saying, just do some advice videos or something. If you're consistent enough, you'll be able to see big money from it, I promise." I swallow my food and take a sip of my fruit punch. "I've seen people live really good but their subs are in the millions. I can't see it working out for me at 100,000."
"Try it for a little bit. Give yourself a few months to get familiar with the pay, and work something out from there. That way, you'll have income while you get another real job." A feeling of uneasiness came over me. "Oh, I don't know about that. I know people have been asking for me to come back constantly, but I don't know if I have what it takes, anymore."
"Of course you have what it takes. You have one hundred thousand people who are waiting on you. I'm gonna challenge you to do it. Doesn't matter what day, but go ahead and make a comeback video this week, alerting your people that you'll be back soon. Also, tell them to send you some advice questions. You can make it as serious or humorous as you want. I'd suggest going the funny route, just to give yourself a break from being all serious at work." she says. "Okay, okay. I'll do it." I say. "Look, if you're too scared to do it on your own, I'll sit right next to you." I giggle. "I think I'll be okay, but thanks."
I then thought about bringing Slim up but I didn't wanna bring the mood down again. Chez was mostly fine now, but it was still clear she had something on her mind. Telling her she was wrong about the stalker didn't seem to be the best thing to do right now.

Micki Wall, Matchmaker. (Lesbian)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu