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I stroll into Wal-Mart, pushing a cart on one hand, my phone in the other. I was here with Chez because she said she needed some help with restocking her refrigerator, and needed my help with getting everything she needed. At least, that's what she said. She probably just didn't want to be the only one walking around here because, for whatever reason, people can't be seen shopping by themselves. We pass by the Home Section, where all the couches and blankets are. We pass a "Beauty and the Beast" comforter. "Oooh, my baby would love this."

"That's so cute." I gush, smiling at the fact that just talking about her daughter could bring such a big smile upon Duchesne's face. "Say no more!" I said, picking up the blanket and sticking it under my arm. You could have sworn I was that girl's mama too, as much shit I was getting for her. Ever since Chez and I made it official a week ago, I had been trying to be an asset to their family. Chez had a strict budget to stick to. Even though she doted on her baby and spoiled her, I was there to help spoil the kid more so Chez wouldn't have to watch her spending as hard as before. I wasn't balling, myself, but I didn't have a child to look after. This allowed for me to live... comfortably, I guess.
"Aw, you do not have to do all this." Chez says, smiling. "Of course I did." I said, going in for a smooch. As soon as I pulled away I noticed somebody gawking at us with a grimace on her face.

"Is there a problem?" I ask the bitch. I guess she probably called herself a stud as she sported masculine attire. She didn't answer; she just walked off, rolling her eyes. "Ugly ass." I said, turning my attention back to Chez. "I can't stand bitches like that." she laments. I shook my head. "It's real sad when one of your own gives you shit for living how you want." I replied. Chez sighed heavily. "I can't wait to tell Syd about this." said Chez. A look of horror flashed across my face. She furrows her eyebrows. "What, Mick?" she asks.
"I'm still uncomfortable about you telling Sydney about us. She told me I was gonna love you and I was hellbent on proving her wrong. This'll mean she won. And I always win." I said.

Chez chuckles. "Not this time, queen. But it's okay, because I know how to make you feel like a winner, anyway."Chez said, biting her lip. Then she slapped my ass and pushed the cart forward. "Let's go." I giggled but it was still a little weird for me. I'm the ass slapper. Me!!


Back at the office, I scoff at Devon Byrd's arrogant comment. "You mean to tell me you don't care anything about personality? Not all blondes with big boobs are great. Believe me, I know."

Devon shifts in his seat and crosses his legs. "Look, I'm just looking for a little fun."

I furrow my brows. "Sir...Luv, Inc. is all about finding people that want to be in relationships, not flings. If that's what you really want, Luv, Inc. isn't for you." I said to him.

He sighs. I start to talk again. "Devon, I know you aren't in a rush to get married, okay? I know you're probably tired of the married life. But.. you're grown now. Your partying and screwing young girl days were supposed to be over when your kids were born. You gotta grow up a little."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You mind telling me some of the underlying problems that may have caused your marriages to fail?" I asked, preparing to take notes.

"What are you, a matchmaker or a therapist?" he grumbles.

I don't answer him. I just wait for him to answer my question.

"I am not the monogamous type. I cheated on both of my wives." he says, twiddling his thumbs.
I wrote it down. "Well.... why?" I asked.

"Met hotter women." Devon says, matter of factly.

Micki Wall, Matchmaker. (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now