Chapter Forty-Nine

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Vince looked over at all of the bodies that lay on the ground. Most were nightwalkers. Some were hunters. This part of the job never got easier. Even though they were the opposing team, life was lost.

Cleaners were scouring the field for anyone who was still alive and taking them to the back to the compound. At least Ellis was among them. At least all of this wasn't for nothing.

Ethan came up and set his hand on Vince's shoulder. "Let's go. We're hitching a ride with Andy and Mia."

The two walked the half-mile back to the cars and found the girls waiting for them. Andy was leaning against the driver's side door. The back hatch was open and Mia was laying across the cargo space. When they got closer, Mia looked like she wanted to sit up, but laid back down.

"Are you okay?" Vince asked her.

She didn't move, but she took a deep breath. "I was knocked out. Might have a broken rib. You know. The usual." She said it like she was describing a day at school.

"How did this happen?" He sat on the edge of the car to get a better look at her. He lifted up her shirt a little to get a look at her ribs. The right side was black and purple. "We need to get you back now. Everyone get in the car."

Andy and Ethan piled into the car and it started driving down the backroad. Vince stayed in the back with Mia.

"Did someone try to escape?" he asked. He pulled out his phone to text the doctor at the institute so she could have a healing crystal ready for them.

"Just one low life," Andy said. Her eyes never left the road. "He got the jump on Mia. I managed to put him down."

Vince looked down at Mia. She had her eyes closed. He shook her shoulder a little. "Hey, we need you to stay awake, okay?" She nodded. "Just until we get back. Then you can sleep for a week."

She opened her eyes. "Maybe you should, too. You look like crap."

He laughed. He knew he had small cuts and scrapes all over his arms and was covered in dirt and sweat. A shower and a few bandaids and he'll be as good as new.

He tried to keep talking to Mia throughout the ride to keep her from falling asleep. And he tried to ignore the looks Ethan kept giving him through the rearview mirror.

In only an hour, they were back at the institute and the doctors took Mia away to heal her. Vince went off in the direction of his room when Ethan stopped him.

"What?" Vince asked.

"Are you going to talk about what happened tonight?" 

Vince shook his head. "What do you mean? That we finally got Ellis?" Maybe if he played dumb Ethan would go away.

He glared at him. Maybe not. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No." Please go away. Go away.

Ethan looked down the hallway that Mia disappeared down. "You know nothing can happen between the two of you right."

Vince looked down the hallway, too. "I know. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Just make sure that friendship doesn't turn into anything else," Ethan warned that made his way to his room.

Vince stood still. All of these rules made it really hard for him to enjoy being a hunter. Do this and don't do that. Not to mention all of the extra rules that came with being the heir for his family. He wanted so desperately to give it up, but that would cause more problems than it would solve.

Stuck between to impossible decisions, Vince head to his room to shower off the morning.

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