Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Vince led me to my room. Ethan disappeared off to who knows where. The entire time we walked, he didn't speak. We got eventually stopped in front of a door that had a sign on it saying House of White Use Only.

"So, is this the white wing or whatever?" I ask.

"Not exactly," Vince said and looked down the hall. "There has never been a large amount of you guys. In fact, up until your mother, not one for five hundred years."


"This is the red wing. My wing, but we offered this room to your mother so she would have a place to stay."

Everything got blurry for a second as I reached for the doorknob. "This was my mother's room?" I opened the door and flipped on the light.

"We kept everything the same in case she ever came back."

The room was a huge upgrade to the infirmary bed. On the left was more of a bedroom area with a four-poster bed with a large fluffy white comforter. There were large bookshelves with old fashioned books on them. And a desk with a dozen half-finished drawings on them.

The other side of the room looked like a lounge area. There was a couch and chairs facing an old tv. Behind that was a set of double doors. I peeked through to see a fancy and outdated bathroom and walk-in closet.

I went back to the main room. The walls were covered in photos. Most of my mother and her friends. Both from her time here and some from her time in high school when she still had black hair.

"It's weird. I never knew her or knew of her until recently, but I feel some sort of connection. Or something." I shook my head. "It sounds silly."

"Not really. She was your mom." He was still standing in the doorway.

"Does anyone know why she ran away?"

He shrugged and leaned against the doorframe. "There are several theories floating around,  but the truth is that no one knows."

"Well, what do you think happened?" I remembered the letter she wrote to 

"Not sure, but I know she was under a lot of pressure."

"What kind of pressure?" I figured since he wouldn't come in, I would at least stand next to him. So, I moved toward the door.

"Being an heir is already stressful. But being the first? I can't imagine what that would be like."


"Yeah, the next one in line to be the Head of their family. Even though we all serve a purpose here, we still operate by different rules according to what family you are in. Older families tend to be more strict than the newer ones."

"Well, what are my family rules then?"

He peeked around me and looked at the bookshelf. "I'm not certain. But your mom would've written them down somewhere for it to be official."

"What are your family rules?"

He stiffened. "I'll let you get adjusted then come get you for afternoon exercises." Then he left quickly, almost running down the hall away from me.


I heard a knock on the door a little while later and when I opened it, there was a bag filled with my clothes from my room. Also some of my books. Seeing it made me realize what my parents were going through at home. They got me back only for me to leave them again.

I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of my own work-out clothes because that's what everyone wears around here and left the room in search of Moira.

The hallways were confusing, but I got directions from a few people passing by me and I eventually made it to her office. She was sitting at her desk typing on her computer when I came in.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Luna." She didn't even look up from her computer.

"It's Hart," I clarified.

"You are your mother's daughter, you will take her name. It's Luna, now, what can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if there was any way I could let my parents know that I'm okay. They're probably going out of their minds with worry."

She didn't look away from the screen, but pulled a cheap flip phone out from a drawer and held it out for me. "Pre-paid and bought with cash so they can't trace it. Be brief."

"Thank you." I made a move for the door when she stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Um, to take the call outside?" I don't know why I said it as a question.

She stood up and made her way towards the door. "It'll be more private here. I need to go get some lunch anyway. Take your time." Then she left.

While she was being kind, she didn't smile or feel very welcoming. It felt more like she was trying to be nice than actually being nice, but I'll take what I can get.

I sat down in one of her expensive-looking black leather chairs and dialed my mother's number. It rang a few times before she answered.

"Hello?" she asked. Her voice was broken like she had been crying.

"Mom, it's me."

"Mia? Oh, my god! Mia! Are you okay? Where are you? Are you safe?"

"I'm fine. I'm in one piece."

"I'll come to get you. Where are you? I'll bring you home."

"You can't do that mom. I can't come home."

I heard a voice on the other side of the phone. It sounded like dad. "Is she all right?"

"Mia, what are you talking about? Why can't you come home? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. But I can't come home. I just need you to know that I'm okay."

"Is someone holding you?"

"I just need you to know that I'm okay. I'm with friends. But I can't come home. I'm sorry." I hung up the phone before I said anymore. I slid down to lay on the couch and started crying.

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