Chapter Eighteen

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When Vince looked up after the lightning bolt was gone, he saw that the girl, Mia, was as well. He didn't take what she did personally, not trusting them or anyone. Being locked up for almost three weeks would cause anyone to have trust issues.

"We have to go after her," Ethan said as he stood up and started making his way in the direction she probably ran in.

Vince grabbed his arm and held him back. "We can't."

Ethan shrugged his arm away and glared at Vince. "What do you mean we can't? There are only two ways she could've been able to use that crystal. Either she's one of us, in which case we are required to bring her back, or she something new that we haven't faced before, in which we would also be required to bring her back."

Vince shook his head. "Man, just stop being such a stickler for the rules for once. Think about what this would do to her. After seeing all of this and after being locked in a cage, do you really want to put her in a different cage?" He was pleading, but he had the feeling Ethan wouldn't understand. Ethan wasn't an heir. He didn't know what it was like to be trapped.

"So we just let her go and do nothing? It doesn't matter if we don't tell anyone. She was with the Rutherfords for three weeks. The Laris will want her questioned to see if she knows anything about what Ellis was planning." Vince knew Ethan had a point, but he still couldn't bring himself to chase after her.

He took a deep breath and looked down at the girl Mia had electrocuted. "Let's head back to the mansion. Tell them that we got caught up taking care of this one-" he kicked the dead girl's body "-And that Mia got away. We'll tell them that once she gets back home, one of us is going to go talk to her. And during that time, we'll tell her that she has a choice to make."

"Do you really think they'll let one of us go and talk to her?" Ethan asked.

"More likely you than me, I'll admit, but this way we don't have to bring her in against her will. Maybe she'll choose to come."

Ethan nodded and they started walking back to the mansion when he stopped Vince. "What if she doesn't want to come? Do you think we should try and convince her? Because if she is one of us and she doesn't know..."

Vince knew what he was trying to say. The transition could be terrifying depending on what she could be transitioning into. And not to mention if she was new, and she would have the difficulties of turning as well. But then he remembered that look in her eyes as she pointed the crystal at them. It was a fierce look full of fear but determination. He could only compare it to that of a wild animal.

"We should try to help her. But if she doesn't want to come, I don't see how we could make her."

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