Chapter Thirty-Five

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I walked silently behind Vince as he led me back through the hallways. He kept trying to strike up a conversation by saying things like, "I'm sorry," and "I didn't mean for this to happen," but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

We finally arrived at a guest room that he let me into. When we walked in, something hit me that this wasn't a typical guest room. It was a large room with rows of beds. Some of which had injured people in them and doctors tending to them.

"This isn't a guest room. This is an infirmary." I turned around and looked at him. He shrugged.

"This is where we put people whose power we aren't aware of yet. Once it's determined, you will be assigned a room in your House wing."

"House wing?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm a red so I stay in the Red House wing. Ethan and his mother are purples, so they stay in the Purple House wing."

I rolled my eyes. "Ah, yes, color coordination. How very OCD of you."

"It's just how things are done." He gestured to the cots. "Take anyone you like. You'll only be here for tonight." He turned to leave, but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"If you guys know who my mother is, why not just put me in her wing?"

He looked uncomfortable with my question. "Because it's only a guess. We don't know for sure." He looked like he wanted to leave again, but he didn't. "I guess if you were Lora's daughter, that would explain a few things about us."

"What do you mean?"

"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck. "My family specifically has always had a close friendship with the White Houses. Not sure why. We just always got along."

I looked up at him. His eyes were hypnotizing. "At least I'll have one friend while I'm here."

He took a step back from me and I realized how close we were together. "Um, actually, you might have two."

"What does that mean?"

He looked away from me and down at the ground. "I'm not sure how you're going to take this. But, your friend Jay is downstairs."

My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt nauseous. I sat down on the nearest cot to steady myself. If he was here... what were they doing to him. If Charlie was walking around no problem, was Jay doing okay? "Please explain very carefully."

"The raid on the house, when you escaped. Charlie told us where you were and we were going to go in and rescue you. But I guess you didn't need our help. Anyway, Moira rounded up all the vampires and had them being interrogated downstairs."

I felt my chest heat up and burn with rage. "He doesn't know anything."

"She just wants to be sure."

I stood up and started walking to the door. "Take me to him."

"That doesn't seem like that good of an idea. There are guards down there and they aren't going to be happy if they see us."

"Take. Me. To. Him." The was no way I was going to sleep tonight if Jay was down in a cage.

Vince sighed, but followed me to the door and led me to the stairs that went down a few levels to a floor that was nowhere as well kept as the other ones. The halls were lined with heavy doors like the ones you see on walk-in freezers.

He led me down the hall and past several doors until he stopped at one and opened it. Inside it looked just as dreary as I imagined. It was one room with a cage wall dividing it in half. On my side was just a chair. On the other side was a cot that someone was laying in. 

"Jay?" I asked.

"Not too long in there, okay?" Vince said from outside.

I took a step closer to the cage. "Jay?"

He heard me that time and turned around to face me. His face was so bruised and scarred I almost didn't recognize him. But he recognized me. "Mia?"

"It's me."

He stumbled out of the cot and sat next to the bars. "I thought you were dead."

I nodded and sat down across from him. "Me too. What are they doing to you here? What do they want?"

"They want to know what Ellis's plan is. I'm assuming they're going to ask you questions, too." His hand gripped the bar. "They're trying to starve me, Mia."

I leaned away from him. While Jay was a good friend, I wasn't willing to go through that again.

"No, no, no. I don't mean that, Mia. I would never ask that of you. I'm just... I don't know. If you could sneak me anything that would be great."

I reached forward and set my hand on top of his through the bars. "I'll see what I can do. We are in this together. Just like before."

"Situation is a little different this time."

I gripped his hand tighter. "We'll still get through it."

Vince tapped on the door. "Time's up. Someone is coming."

I let go of Jay's hand. "I'll figure something out. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"I know."

We shared a smile, then Vince and I ran out of there.

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