Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Once we got back to the mansion slash underground training bunker, Ethan took the unconscious vampire inside leaving Andy and me alone to lug everything inside. It only took us two trips, but it was really annoying because of how long we had to walk to drop it off in my room.

Eventually, we had everything set up and Kevin was running around playing with a fake mouse that he really seemed to like. 

"So, have they caught you up on anything or are you still in the dark about most of it?" Andy asked. We were both tired from walking around so we were sitting on the couch.

"Um, Vince tried to explain a few things to me, but it's still so confusing," I admitted.

"Well if you have any questions, I'm here."

"Okay, um," I struggled to think of what I should ask first. "I tried to ask Vince what we are, but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. No one here really seems to."

"The short answer for that is that we're mystics. Or at least that's what we call ourselves. The longer answer is that we were once humans who just happened to come across crystals that gave us superpowers or whatever."

"Do you know where they came from?"

She paused for a second. "Well, we don't officially know, but there are some theories."

I nodded for her to continue.

"Okay, well usually the crystals are found in these caves or whatever. And at first, we thought that they were grown from the Earth, and some people still think that. But one night, one of our kind had a vision of some sort and got a sense that the crystals didn't come from somewhere in the Earth, but from somewhere above."

I looked up as if I could actually see the sky. "Above?"

"Yeah, the theory is that the crystals came from outer space and fell to earth. There are some other theories, but those are the two main ones. The rest is just from a bunch of conspiracy theory nuts."

"Fun group," I said. "Okay, next question. Why does everyone seem to think I'm some sort of godsend or whatever?"

She laughed. "That is an easy one. It's because you're a White. Didn't anyone explain how the crystals work to you?"

"Yeah, Vince tried to. Each one of us is a color and we can only use the corresponding colors to that but why does being a White makes me so special? Are the white crystals more powerful or something?"

"Not exactly, all the crystals are very powerful, but they all do different things so they are useful in different situations. The perk that comes with being a White is that you can use all of them. You can use any crystal."

"What?" This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. "How does that make sense? White is white. It has no color."

"It depends on how you look at it. In terms of adding color, yes white is only white. But if you look at it from a lightwave point of view, white is the combination of all colors, so you can use anything. Except for black, only Blacks can use black, because it's the absence of color. Get it?"

"There's just so much to learn." I closed my eyes and flopped back so I was laying on the couch. I could almost feel my brain turning into mush because of how much I didn't know

"Yep. But it'll get easier. I'm assuming they're going to get you a tutor so you can learn everything."

"A tutor?" I opened one eye to look at her.

"Yeah, we don't just do physical training, Mia. We also have to pass classes basic stuff that you learn in school and stuff about the crystals and the history of our kind. And since you're very far behind, they would have to get you some sort of help."

I set a pillow on my head. "Great. I get kidnapped into a supernatural guild of hunters and I still have to do homework."

She laughed and hit my leg with a pillow. "I happen to have a lot of free time so I can help you with whatever you need."

There was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I shouted. I had no energy to get up and answer it.

"Mia?" It was Vince. And he sounded concerned.

I took the pillow off of my head to look at him. He kept giving Andy strange looks and she also looked uncomfortable. I wondered if there was some history behind them or something.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It's time to begin your training. Get changed and come with me."

I got up and made my way to my bathroom. "Yes, sir." I got changed into my cute work out clothes. They were a matching set of pink and purple yoga pants and a sports bra with my own gym shoes. I felt better being in my own clothes. When I got back to my living room, Andy was gone and Vince was waiting by the door.

I made a move to open the door when he stopped me.

"What were you doing hanging out with her?" he asked in a slightly judgemental tone.

"I was just asking her some questions. She's nice."

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You shouldn't be seen with her."

He sounded worried, but I didn't understand. "Why?"

"Because... she's... um, she's not like us." He seemed to be struggling with what to say, but I was tired of people not telling me anything.

"Are you going to give me a real answer?" I asked.

He paused. "Just, stay away from her okay? She's not one of us."

I took a step away from him. "What does that mean? Is she a vampire? A werewolf? Something else that goes bump in the night?"

"No, but it's just-"

"Well, whatever she is, she's nice. And until I hear a real reason, don't tell me what to do. Now, don't we have some sort of training to get to?"

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