Chapter Forty-Seven

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Ethan and the rest of the hunters gathered a half a mile away from the shipping yard. It was really just a fancy name for an old trailer park that the Rutherfords' used to house their human captives back in the '80s. The place has since been abandoned. It was no surprise that they would come back here.

He walked around, assigning tasks to teams. The plan was to circle them and slowly creep their way in so no one would have a chance to escape, but they would have lookouts around the perimeter to make sure.

Of course, they wouldn't care too much if a small little nightwalker got away. They just cared about Ellis.

"Remember guys, if this is a trap, we retreat," Ethan said. They had already lost people from the attack yesterday, they didn't want to lose anymore. But they needed to take this shot while they could.

The sun was getting close to rising and the teams were about to move their way into position when another car pulled up. It didn't have it's headlights on and managed to pull into a spot very smoothly behind the others so he knew it wasn't just a random person driving by.

The car doors opened and out stepped Mia and Andy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to keep from yelling. He couldn't risk the nightwalkers hearing them.

"Before you get mad," Andy said. "We are just here to help watch the outskirts."

Ethan shook his head. "You're arm is still injured and Mia has no training."

"You could use all the help you could get," Mia said looking around. "Doesn't look like you have too many people here."

"We have enough."

"And you could have two more."

Mia and Ethan stared down at each other. The rest of the hunters knew not to get involved. Even Andy didn't say anything and just stood next to Mia smiling, silently cheering her on.

Eventually, Ethan had to look away. "Fine, but the outskirts only. I don't want to see you two anywhere near the action."

Mia and Andy silently cheered and everyone started to move out. They weren't two steps into the walk though before Vince appeared at Mia's side.

"I think you should go back," he said quietly. Ethan pretended not to be able to hear, but he was curious why Vince would go against what he said.

"I'm here now. I might as well help," she said.

"But you don't know how to fight. You could get hurt."

"I'll be outside the fighting. I probably won't even do anything."

"Then why are you here?"

Ethan had to start taking smaller steps so he could hear.

"Because... these people made my life hell. If I can help in any way, I want too." The honesty in her voice startled Ethan. He had barely ever seen Mia with her guard down. Why would she do it now?

"Well, if you're going to be out there then, I want you to have this." Ethan couldn't help himself and he turned his head to look back for a second. Vince was handing her a small dagger with a dark red crystal in it. Strength.

"Won't you need it?" she asked.

"It's okay. I have another one." He let out a little laugh.

Ethan tried to comprehend what he was hearing. He would have never guessed in a million years that Vince would hand over one of his family heirlooms to a stranger. There had to be something else going on here.

He turned around for another look and saw a small smile on Vince's face. It looked so foreign. Unfortunately, there was only one explanation. And not a good one.

The hunters made it to the park just as the top of the sun was coming over the horizon. They hurried to get into position. Mia, Andy, and the rest of those watching the perimeter were stationed at the entrances and exits of the trailer park. Luckily there was a fence all around it so that limited where they could escape.

Ethan stood next to Ben, Lauren, and Vince while the rest made their way into position. He looked down at his watch. Ten minutes.

Everyone stood still. Waiting. The sun was coming up, but they wanted enough light to make sure the nightwalkers were weakened.

Ethan signaled the team when it was one minute left and caught Vince looking down the fence at Mia. She and Andy were crouched at the exit that offered the least amount of cover, meaning less likely that nightwalkers would try to escape that way.

He nudged Vince and gave him a look telling him to focus. Vince rolled his eyes but looked forward like he was told.

He couldn't imagine that Vince was dumb enough to actually like Mia. He knew the rules of being the heir more than anyone. This was not going to end well.

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