Chapter Thirty

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I sat at the dinner table waiting until my mom got home. It was almost eight but it's not unusual for her to get home late from the office.

Dad had come home earlier and went to his office once I told him that I wanted to talk to mom alone.

8:30 on the dot mom came home looking like she rushed here. I wouldn't be surprised if dad had called her and said something.

"Mia," she said and walked over to the chair across from me. "What's going on?"

I slid the photo of me and my mother and the letter across the table. "I want to know the truth. Am I adopted? Why was I left here? What was my real mother afraid of?"

She was silent. I guess in shock of the fact that I figured this all out before she told me. She looked down at the letter and reread it, as if she forgot what it said.

When she looked back up at me, her eyes were misty. "You have to understand, Mia, your mother was confused about some things. She thought there were people out to get her."

"If you're going to tell me anything please start from the beginning."

She leaned back in her chair and gathered her hair up into a bun. "We were friends in high school. Well, maybe not close friends, but we knew each other. Everything went about as normal as any high school. Until one day, Lora changed. I mean physically changed. She came to school one day with white-blonde hair like yours and her eyes were suddenly blue.

"We all thought it was just a phase she was going through until she started coming to school less and less. Eventually, she stopped coming altogether in her senior year. She spoke about how she had met this group of people who were helping her through something. What that was she didn't say and didn't bother explaining before she left.

"That was the last I saw of her until she came to my house one night scared and holding you in her arms. She said that those people weren't helping her at all but using her. And they would do the same to you unless you were kept away from them.

"I at first said no. Thinking she was crazy and should go get some help. But then the next day she left you on my doorstep with a note. I haven't seen her since."

I couldn't speak. Couldn't form any words. Mom said she was crazy, but I don't think that was the case. Vince said my powers were genetic and if I didn't activate them, then that means my mother did. That means those hunters found her. And she was afraid of them.


I am writing this on my phone so there may be more typos than usual. Sorry.

I'm also sorry this is so short. I wrote it on my break at work.

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