Chapter Thirty-Three

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At least this time when I was kidnapped, I wasn't tied up in the trunk. I sat in the backseat handcuffed next to the girl.

No one talked. The radio filled the silence with commercials because that's all radio is good for nowadays. About a half an hour in and still no one had said a word since we started driving.  I was wondering if it was some sort of intimidation tactic.

"So," I said. Everyone visibly flinched when I spoke, surprised out of the quiet. "Do I get to know where you're taking me? Or is that top secret information?"

"We're taking you to our headquarters where we can properly get a read on who you are," Ethan answered.

"That's very descriptive, thank you."

The girl next to me let out a half-laugh.

"Is my kidnapping funny to you?"

She shook her head with a smile on her face. "No, no. It's just... you are just like her. Or, how they described her."

I could physically feel my stomach drop. "Her who?"

"Lauren. Shut it," Ethan said from the front. Lauren turned away from me to look out the window. "No one says anything. She needs to talk to Moira first."

"Who's Moira?" I asked. No one said anything. Great. More silence.


It took over two hours to get to this mysterious headquarters. It didn't look anything special. Just a large old mansion. Kind of similar to the vampire one but not as creepy.

They forced me out of the car and dragged me into the mansion. Once they opened the door, I could see that while the outside looked unkept and abandoned, the inside showed major remodeling. And a major style clash. The outside was old fashioned but the inside was sleek and modern.

Glossy black tiles set the floor and all the walls were painted a bright white. There wasn't much furniture. Just a few modern art sculptures.

We stood in what appeared to be the entryway. It was smaller than I expected. In front of us was a set of elevator doors. To the right and left were a few doors leading to hidden rooms and stairs that wound around to the upstairs.

Ethan pulled me towards the elevators and dragged me in when they opened. When he pressed a button on the elevator, I expected us to go up. But we started moving down. Definitely more than a level or two.

When the doors opened, the room had the same design as upstairs. Only it looked like a reception area. Like one of those, you would see on the floor of an office building. There was even a receptionist sitting at a desk typing and wearing a little headset.

And I was scared of these people? Their headquarters looks like a bank.

They pulled me down a hallway where I saw a few other people walking by. Some of them were dressed casually, like the three who took me, but a few were dressed in work out clothes. They all seemed shocked to see me like I was a ghost.

As they pulled me down the maze of hallways, we accidentally ran into a familiar face. Before I knew what was happening, I was out of my cuffs and brought that person to the floor.

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