data-p-id=dd5de35c668905c5aa7e9bd5acf67d38,"Oi! Don't run you'll hurt yourself!" I shouted after them, the girls laughing.

data-p-id=49fbaa01d199d8960418735549635b89,"Sorry 'Ama!" Jawad yelled back.

"Yeah sorry Aunty!" Jasper said as well.

data-p-id=0d69a9671c8c4d52dfa901e23a26c2a2,"'Ama?" I repeat in confusion looking at Zayn.

data-p-id=1af6d679d4a8b07baa811a3b38deedab,"Aunt. It means Aunt," Zayn replied looking shocked.

The girls and I watched as Zayn just stood there his face torn between shock and confusion, personally speaking I thought it was cute.

data-p-id=d0a888f3eae9650635d3f191a313d29d,"Oh, that's so cool and cute!" I giggled which lead to Zayn nodding.

"Right, he is too cute," Darcy said.

Sophia smiled at me, "You have officially become the favorite it seems."

data-p-id=c7d0f5f4ef5121ee0aa7fb68c326b8db,"Hey, come back really quick!" Zayn yelled out to them. We turned to look at him confused.

data-p-id=f05f7b09808da04ff689a3c14f7c9b18,They came running full speed, Jawad ran into my legs knocking me on my ass while Jasper managed to stop beforehand. I started laughing as he sat up and looked at Zayn with a smile.

data-p-id=351b11c5bec95f5af366335905990ca5,"Yes Daddy?" Jawad giggled.

data-p-id=aa3d591b0145eccae6a08a922f8102f9,I leaned on to my elbows and smiled at the cutie that now sat on my stomach. Jawad looked at me really quick, so he could grab my face. After doing so he turned back to Zayn, while managing to squish our faces together. Sophia and Darcy chuckled at us and then turned their attention to Zayn.

data-p-id=6003ebcb29dd29033d72ba492c402e43,"Who taught you that?" Zayn questioned.

Jawad looked at Zayn confused, "Huh?"

"Why did you call her 'Ama?" Zayn asked pointing at me.

"Because she is?" Jawad asked even more confused.

Zayn looked at the wall in thought, I didn't get what the problem was. He was bilingual which was super cool. Zayn then looked back at him and smiled.

"Okay go get ready," He said motioning for the boys to go ahead.

Jawad got up and he and Jasper left the room again, I stood up and turned to Zayn. He just looked past me, I turned to Harry who was also deep in thought. I looked to Sophia and Darcy and they shrugged, we walked past them and entered the kitchen. I decided to make chicken nuggets for the younger boys and made sandwiches for the bigger boys. I pulled out a pan and grabbed the nuggets to place them on the pan. Sophia and Darcy came and sat at the counter, they smiled at me. Zayn and Harry walked in, they had small smiles on their faces.

Sophia looked at Zayn, "You good now?"

"I wasn't not okay, I was just curious. It doesn't matter anyway," Zayn shrugged.

"I think it's cute, it's like he had a piece of you the whole time," Darcy said resting her head on her hand.

"I don't speak Arabic though," Zayn said with a confused face.

I was confused now on why they would teach him that then, it's still cool he's bilingual. Although is he actually fully bilingual or is it one of those things where he just knows a few words? I know some words in Spanish, but that doesn't make me bilingual...I think anyways.

"Wait so you don't speak Arabic?" I asked point at nothing in particular.

"Well yes, I speak many languages," Zayn said looking at me, "But it's not like I just speak in Arabic all the time or something."

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