I'm Your Hero!

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My, my, my, what interesting situations everyone is in. Between Mav and the rest of our main team heading off to deal with the spirit turtle, to the other three heroes going off on their own to face the turtle, to Ayuma and Fitoria meeting for the first time. What will come from them all? You'll find out soon. I'm going be making more adjustments to this story. I'm shortening the spirit turtle arc even more and merging it and my planned Act 4 into one act. So, we're technically in the final Act of this whole story now. The end is beginning. Now, let's not waste anymore time! Enjoy!

-POV: Shulu-

When the early morning came around, we all gathered together and headed off for the Eastern countries. The queens servants used teleportation magic to ensure we got there as quick as possible, and they placed us in a town that was already in view of the Spirit Turtle monster. In fact, we could see it over the horizon, or, at least we could see the mountain atop its huge shell. 

"So that's the thing we have to take down, eh? My god, it's enormous." Maverick said as we all agreed with him. Some guards from the royal family of this country were waiting for us upon arrival and they escorted us all to their base of operations. There we met all the leaders of each country. And, things weren't looking to good here at all. 

"What are the five heroes doing!? The only one present is the shield hero!!! From what I've heard, the whereabouts of the bow, spear, and sword heroes are currently unknown!!! And the axe hero is still missing as well!!" The king of this country roared with fury at the queen and Naofumi.

"It is the heroes responsibility to save the world!! Did they run away fearing their own lives!!?? Despicable! This will be Melromarc's responsibility, right!?" Several of the other leaders shouted and questioned, but we all remained silent, following the orders the queen gave us so she could do all the talking.

"Firstly, let me apologize for causing this misunderstanding. The bow, spear, and sword heroes went to stop the Spirit Turtle. The moment they were informed of its awakening, they made their way to this country before we could and have already engaged it. However, their current situation is unknown. And, as for the missing axe hero, I was hoping to ask if anyone from any of your countries had seen her at all. But, if all of you are questioning her whereabouts, then I see no point in asking. In midst of this confusion, I apologize for the lateness of this information." The queen spoke to the other leaders. 

"But the Spirit Turtle is still moving, right!? Are those three heroes already-" The leaders began to question but the queen cut them all off. 

"Those three heroes are still in good health. Most likely, they're next to the turtle as we speak, still fighting it." The queen spoke to everyone. 

"Is that true?" Naofumi asked her. 

"Yes. We received word from my spies before we left. And, if an accident would happen, we would let you know immediately." The queen said to him. 

"Are we..... So, if three of the heroes can't slow it down or destroy it, are we just supposed to watch the Turtle trample over our entire country?" Another one of the leaders questioned. 

"Not quite. It's our turn now. Unfortunately, because those three heroes haven't yet subdued the Spirit Turtle, we have no choice but to learn from the methods of the ancients. We, the allied forces, will establish a magic unit and attempt to seal the Spirit Turtle's heart." The queen explained. 

"A magic unit!? Do we even have the numbers to pull it off!?" Some of the leaders asked as the queen continued. 

"We've found the book which describes how the ancient heroes sealed the Spirit Turtle originally. But to recreate that, we require a large amount of people." The queen said as all the leaders began to mutter to themselves. 

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