Unstoppable Darkness

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YES, Ayu has made her grand return, at last! But, how exactly was she able to wake from her coma? How did she enter her demon stae without her axe? Will she be able to defeat the pope with this power? Will she turn on everyone and try to murder them all? There are so many questions that will very soon be answered. And, to all of you who asked so many times about when i'm bringing Ayu back, i'm sorry I always said that I hadn't pinpointed an exact time yet. Truth is, I always had it planned for her to return at this very moment. There was no better time for her to do so. So.... yeah, I lied to you all just for some laughs. LOL! Now, let's get back into the story so I can answer all the questions that all of you probably have for me. Enjoy!

-PoV: Ayuma--10 Minutes Earlier-

I couldn't quite tell exactly where I was. It looked like the same meadow field from my dream a few months ago, only now flowers were blooming all around me. I tried to walk around but it was like my body was paralyzed. I couldn't move an inch. 

I could only move my head to look around but my vision felt off. Like my depth-perception was all wonky. It was like one of my eyes was open and the other was closed. 

"Hello, Ayuma Saruwatari." I heard a girls voice said as I tried to look around to find them. 

"Hello? Is someone there? I can here you, but I can't see you. Where are you?" I asked as someone walked around from behind me and then stood about 10 feet in front of me. They looked like a little girl with white hair, pink eyes, a gorgeous pink and white dress and angel wings on her back like Filo in her child form.

"This is not the first time we have met. But, it is the first time we've seen each other face-to-face." The girl explained to me. 

"Who are you?" I asked her. 

"My name is Fitoria, and that is all you need to know. Do you remember what happened to you?" She asked me as I tried to think back. My head felt all fuzzy but I could remember what occurred. 

"I..... I was captured by Myne and the other heroes and taken to the king. He and Myne had me imprisoned and sent off to a slave trader. Then, a lord bought me and used me for his own entertainment, torturing me. He.... did so many things to me. He-" I tried to say as I felt a tear run down the right side of my face. 

"You experienced many horrible fates, as did your faithful companions as they traveled with the shield hero. But, he was able to keep them all safe. And, because of all their actions, they released you from your suffering." Fitoria explained to me as I became relieved. 

"Well, that's a relief. I'm glad they're alright and found me. I.... I probably would've died if they didn't." I said as Fitoria shook her head. 

"You did." She replied as I became confused. 

"What? What did you just say?" I asked her. 

"Well, not quite dead, but rather your mind is. The only reason we are speaking to each other right now is because your body is simply refusing to shut down." Fitoria explained as I began to cry even more. But tears only came down my right side. 

"So, what!? Are you saying i'm in a coma!? Is that it!?" I asked her. 

"I'm sorry to say this, but yes. The injuries and wounds you acquired from your imprisonment caused you to lose the will to function. You have suffered a full week in this punishing state but, to my knowledge, you've only been in this coma-like state for a full day. However, now is not the time to lose hope. You must find the strength to awaken. A horrible even has appeared and is threatening the world we know. The shield hero, as well as, the others fight to defeat it but they are struggling. I begged them all to unite and fight together, but it seems it may not be enough. Not without the fifth hero...... not without you." Fitoria explained to me. 

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