King of Light vs Queen of Darkness

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I won't say much this time for my own comments. I'll just give another shout out to PrefHerna/Somete Paint for this incredibly amazing artwork of the demon. She did a fantastic job as always and I can't wait for her next depiction of who is soon to be my new favourite character in this series to write about. Now, enough of me talking, let's get into this mega chapter. ENJOY!

-PoV: Krystal-

This was it. This battle we were about to begin with this demon would determine whether life continues and the world be showered in light, or whether we're all destroyed and everlasting darkness covers the land. There was no turning back now. 

And, according to what the king said, we just lost one of our trump cards in the shield hero's Blood Sacrifice technique. But, me and captain Xev never know when to quit, and we've got some tricks up our sleeves to show this demon. And once I was finished healing the shield hero's wounds, we'd begin our counterattack. 

"How's it going, Krystal? Are you almost finished?" Xev asked me as he started to make our ship circle the leviathan which was currently using the tentacles on the end of its tail to attack one of the other heroes ships. It crushed it to pieces and caused the sword hero and his crew to become stranded in the water. 

"Just a few more seconds. I'm almost done." I said to Xev as the leviathan went on to attack both the bow and spear heroes ships. And like the one before, they were crushed to pieces, leaving everyone floating in the water. 

"We're running out of ships fast, Krystal! We've gotta hurry things up, or else we'll lose all our backup!" Xev shouted to me as I removed my hands from Naofumi. 

"There, finished! Now, aim this old girl at that beast!" I said as Xev turned the ship to its starboard side, making us face the leviathan. 

"Everyone, get away from the bow. I'm gonna need a lot of space for this!" I told everyone as they rushed for the back of the ship, Raphtalia and Neela helping the shield hero get to his feet so he wouldn't get in the way. 

"Alright, here we go! As source of thy power, I order thee! Decipher the laws of nature and artillerize my target of choice! Luminous Heavy Cannon!" I shouted as I placed both of my hands down onto the bow of the ship. A huge circle of light appeared around me and from it, a massive seated cannon emerged. I took my place on the cannons seat and moved it into position to fire.

"Krystal, fire now!" Xev ordered me but the waves were becoming so rough that it was hard to line up a shot. Meanwhile, the leviathan was beginning to charge up some sort of attack, with a ball of black energy forming in its mouth. 

"Krystal, you need to fire now! That thing's about to attack the queen's ship!" Neela shouted to me as I finally had a shot lined up on the things head. 

"FIRE!" I yelled as I pressed the trigger for the cannon and fired a large ball of light from its barrel. But at the same time, the leviathan launched a massive black beam from its mouth that was headed straight for the queen's flagship. My shot managed to strike its head and cause the creature to flinch and move the beam slightly to the left, but it still struck the queen's ship. It left a huge hole in its left side and her ship quickly started taking on water and was sinking. We now had the only ship that could still sail. 

"Hit it again! That seemed to do at least a bit of damage!" Alex ordered me as I used my mana energy to form another cannon ball in the barrel. But as I was doing that, the leviathan finally turned its attention over to us and began moving through the water to attack us. It submerged its giant snake-like body but kept its head out of the water. It opened its mouth wide when it got close to us, trying to chomp down and break our ship in one gulp. 

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