The Silver King

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We're back in World 2 and things have been kicked into high gear! Rishia, Wendy, Ashley, and Carla have all given their lives to destroy Face, and they've saved all the magic so that our wizards can keep the fight going. But, even with their sacrifice, the underworld king of this world seals off nearly everyone who has come to fight, literally leaving an ever so small handful of wizards left to fight. We already know the first 6 who escaped the curse, that being Naofumi, Motoyasu, and the rest of the Usurper Roar guild members. But, who are the remaining two? Is it Tetsa and Neela? Or some other 2? Well, I don't know if we'll find out who both of them are, but we'll certainly find out about one of them here and now! Enjoy!

-POV: Naofumi-

Thanks to the underworld king of this world, who's known as Mard Geer, nearly all of our forces have been sealed away in this living flesh curse. He was kind enough to inform us that only 8 of us were able to escape the effects of the curse, but that didn't exactly put us in any commanding positions. With it just being me, Motoyasu, the Usurper Roar members, and the other two wizards, the odds of us beating legions of enemy soldiers, the Tartaros demons and Mard Geer himself are slim to none. 

The six of us who were together split up to find the other two wizards before they became swarmed. I went along with Clayton, Usurper Roar's master, and Azura. Everywhere we went, we'd pass by more of this flesh curse that had some of our friends and even more Tartaros soldiers trapped inside. I wish I could stop to try and free them but I don't have any magic spells that could clear it away. I only had my shield prison to defend us against the curse when it was cast.

"Demons of Tartaros, I've used the Alegria. The intruders lives have been snuffed out. Our plans remain unchanged. Face's activation is imminent." We heard Mard Geer say as he projected his voice all throughout that castle. 

"Wait, what did he just say? Rishia, Wendy and the others stopped Face though. How can its activation be imminent?" I questioned. 

"Not too sure myself. Perhaps it's just a bluff to put us into a panic." Clayton suggested but something told me Mard Geer was not. 

"However, 8 unfortunate human souls managed to avoid the Alegria's reach. A timely vacancy has risen within the nine demon gates. Whoever slays the most humans will fill it. And, if a demon gate should kill the humans, they shall receive an even greater reward. Good hunting." Mard Geer announced as he cut out. We stated to hear the cheering of both soldiers and demons coming through the long hallways of the castle. 

"Now they've got even more drive to beat us. Which means they ain't gonna hold back anymore if they were." Azura said as we were approaching a door at the end of our hallway. 

"Azura, knock it down!" Clayton ordered him as Azura created a layer of magma over his right fist. He threw a hard punch at the wooden door and he blew it apart with a single blow. 

"Piece of ca-" Azura tried to say as he suddenly fell when he passed through the door. There was no floor at all on the other side. Azura was hanging by a soldier who was frozen in the flesh curse just below the doorway. Me and Clayton reached down the bring him back up. 

"What the hell's the point of having a door here if it doesn't go anywhere!?" Azura questioned as I looked down through the doorway. It looked like a canal or some sort of estuary within the castle had formed when Mard Geer used that curse. It was about 100 feet across easy, and water was flowing through it. 

"Get away from me, you demons!" We heard someone shout in the distance. 

"Who was that? It sounded like a girls voice." I said as Clayton and Azura agreed with me. 

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