Heroes of Another World

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The demon has finally revealed itself to Alex. And, it's going to be making its move very, very soon. And, on top of all that, a wave is going to hit Cal Mira. Alex and the heroes just can't catch a single break whatsoever. But then there's one more thing they'll have to worry about. You've probably figured it out just from the title and image above. It certainly changes the entirety of the game, that's for sure. How will our heroes respond to this change in events? Well, we'll all find out soon as this climactic battle finally begins! Hang on to your seats everyone, because I am pulling everything out for these next 2-3 chapters. Enjoy!

-PoV: Neela-

With me, Naofumi and the rest of his party discovering undersea ruins which housed a dragon hourglass, we were able to determine that it was possible for Cal Mira to be struck by the waves as well. And today, the wave would hit. 

Word of our discovery was sent out to the queen and she, along with the royal army traveled to Cal Mira to prepare for this wave. She sent over 5 ships, one large sailing battleship for each hero and the fifth being her own personal flagship. 

Each of us were ready to combat this wave, but something was very worrying for all of us. Alex has been missing for 2 days now, as well as, L'arc and Therese. No one heard anything of where they'd gone. We just had to hope they were all okay and that they could make it in time to help us. 

"This all happened so fast. I'm honestly surprised we all made it in time." The queen said. 

"Honestly, i'm impressed you managed to pull together this army in such short notice." Naofumi replied. 

"Oh, it wasn't a big deal. Preparing for the waves is the royal family's responsibility." Melty said as she had come along as well. 

"What are you doing here?" Naofumi asked her. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Melty questioned him. 

"I'm here because..... i'm part of your party." She said to him. 

"I'm happy you're here. I'm always happy when I get to see you." Filo said to her which cheered her up. 

"Your majesty, do you think the people of Cal Mira will evacuate in time?" I asked her. 

"The Earl of the island acted quickly when we told him of the imminent threat. In fact, he's already finished evacuating all of the islanders from their largest island. Besides, we have every reason to believe this wave will be happening out at sea. Right now, all you need to worry about is the battle." The queen explained to us. 

"You've got a point, but what about your son? Aren't you worried about him since he's missing?" Naofumi asked. 

"I have faith in Alexander. He is strong, full of courage and wisdom. I'm sure he's fine and will make it to the battle." The queen replied as the sound of a clock ringing began to sound off through the area. 

"It's time. Everyone, prepare for battle! Naofumi, to your ship!" The queen ordered as Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo jumped over to their battleship which was right next to the flagship. I stayed with the queen and Melty though as a line of defense for them. 

The sky began to turn red and those same swirling blue and purple clouds formed up above. And they began to spawn our enemies. They looked like fish-men, human bodies with fish features. Thousands of them dove into the water and began to swarm our ships in no time. 

"Taint the waters! We'll suffocate them before they get too close!" The queen ordered as soldiers on every ship began to drop special barrels into the water. The queen told me they were filled with these berries that house a poison-like alcohol that can render any who eat or inhale it to become paralyzed. And, she was obviously right as the fish-men began to float up to the surface, seeming lifeless. 

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