Long Awaited Death Match

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EVERYONE IS FINALLY HERE!!!! Ayu's squad has returned and now, the real battle begins! With all three teams finally joining together, the battle's going into high gear. The last chapter was insane as I truly felt sorry for Zeref at the end. I mean, receiving a fate like that where he essentially becomes lifeless just floating around in space, I've gotta admit, that's just dark. It's probably one of the worst things I've ever done to any character, whether they be an OC of mine or an already created character. But it's all that could be done for him. And now, with this chapter, we get to my personal favourite of the three higher ups from the other worlds. If you're a fan of BNHA/MHA, then i'm sure you already know who it is by the gif above. Now, i'm gonna stop talking. Enjoy!

-POV: Wrath Queen-

We had finally arrived in the world of the heroes. And, already we were put into action. From monstrous creatures to soldiers, to wizards who wield unbelievable magic powers, everything here was simply incredible whether they were trying to kill us or not. 

"Wrath Queen, take a small squad with you and take control of the skies!" Ayuma ordered me as I gave her a nod.

"Understood!! Todoroki, Tokoyami, with me!" I shouted to my two students as they joined me. I grew my wings and went up high into the air while Todoroki slid upward using his ice to propel himself, and Tokoyami used his Dark Shadows ability to float to lift himself above the ground and join us.

"We've got incoming, dead ahead!" Todoroki shouted as we could see dozens of these black colored flying creatures coming straight for us. They looked like creatures I've read in stories, ones known as Gryphons. 

"Spread out and take them down!" I said as we all went in our own separate paths towards the gryphons. 

"Wyvern's Breath! Fiery Cannon Ball!!" I roared as I transformed the remainder of my body into my human/wyverian form. Within my reptilian-like head, I opened my mouth wide and unleashed a huge fireball struck 2 gryphons at once. I'd set them on fire and they screeched in pain as they literally turned to nothing but dust. However, there were still many more to come as some of them came up and rammed into my body. I began to crash down to the ground but I quickly stabilized myself and flew back up to chase after them. I caught up to them in no time and I readied myself to attack. 

"Dread Talon!" I roared as I raised up my talons and began shredding through some of the gryphons. I tore them limb from limb until they couldn't fly anymore. For such fearsome looking creatures, they were much easier to deal with than I thought.

"How's it going boys!?" I asked as I looked around to see how both Todoroki and Tokoyami were fairing in their battles. But, it seems my worries were for nothing as Todoroki was torching and freezing majority of the gryphons he fought; and Tokoyami was tearing them apart with the claws of Dark Shadow. 

"Looks like all my training lessons really did pay off for them." I thought to myself as something suddenly leaped up into the air and grabbed me. It latched onto my back and wrapped these huge muscular arms around me. It's weight was too much for me to stay up in the air, and i'm able to lift up a 2 ton car. I was forced back down to the earth as I crashed. Whatever had grabbed me got off and then stomped down onto my back as I let out a scream of agony. 

"I must say, I was not expecting you to have come back with the supposed heroes of this world." A familiar sounding voice to me said as I raised up my head to see someone all too recognizable from my world. With that gray hair, pail skin colour, and a bunch of prosthetic hands covering his body, I instantly knew who it was. 

"Tomura..... Shigaraki...." I said as whatever was standing on my back then reached down and grabbed my head, lifting me up to I could meet him at eye level. 

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