The Black Angel

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Holy crap! So much happened in that last chapter! Naofumi rejected Melty and Alex, Naofumi and Ayu had a fight, Seamus standing up to Ayu, Ayu confronting the king, the king planning to hunt down Ayu after the wave, Ayu spitting in Myne's face, there's too much to list! It was such a long chapter! My fingers actually started to hurt while typing it up. Almost like the curse shield was affecting me. And now, we're introduced to one of the more interesting characters in the series, Glass. She'll make a big splash, that's for sure. And before any of you possibly start getting mad at me, yes, I decided to have Neela sit this wave out. I really don't know why but it just felt right. Don't worry, she'll be back soon. Now, enjoy!

We were all faced with a seemingly impossible foe before us. Whoever this Glass lady was, she was a serious threat to us all. After all, she killed the monster that all 5 of us tried so hard to destroy with just one shot. And now, she's claiming Naofumi is the only one of us five worthy of facing her in combat. 

I began to check her using my status magic but it was giving me nothing. No name, no level, no amount of health. It was like she didn't actually exist. 

"Why are you waiting to attack, hero Naofumi? Why not try sending these servants of yours at me first?" Glass said. 

"Servants? What the hell? You just called us Naofumi's servants!? Screw you!" Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu yelled as they each charged Glass. 

"Meteor Slash! Meteor Spear! Meteor Shot!" They all yelled as they simultaneously unleashed their most powerful attacks at Glass. They made contact but their attacks did absolutely nothing. Glass didn't even flinch. 

"Is that all you've got? I was hoping for more of a challenge." Glass said as she held both of her arms out to her sides and unfolded both of her fans. 

"Zero stance Rondo: Reverse Four Seasons." Glass said as she began waving her fans around, creating sharp winds that began cutting through us. They struck Ren, Motoyasu and Itsuki, as well as, their party members. One shot was enough to take down each of them. And it looked like I was next as three wind slashes were headed right for me. 

"Dragon Heart Axe! Searing Dragon's Roar!" I shouted as I swung my fiery axe, countering her wind with my flames. 

"Hmm.... Not bad. At least one more of you has some skill. But it's still not enough to be called worthy." Glass said to me. 

"And who made you the one of determining who's worthy or not!? I don't care if i'm not worthy to fight you, i'm still gonna do it and wipe that smug smile off your face!" I shouted as I charged Glass. She began to run at me as well and we clashed weapons in the centre of the ship. 

"Your fighting style is very.... reckless. Straight forward with very little planning. It's a wonder how you're still alive." Glass said as she began to push me back. I was literally sliding backwards on my feet. 

"I'm still alive because I've got to protect those I care about! There's someone waiting for me right now! And I have to make it through this so I can see her smiling face again!" I yelled as my axe burst into blue flames. I could feel my strength rising and I was slowly beginning to push Glass back now. 

"Perhaps I was wrong about you. But i'm afraid you won't be seeing your friend ever again. Now, die." Glass said as she stabbed me with her second fan. It pierced right through my armor and went deep into my chest. 

"Ayuma, nooooo!!" Naofumi yelled as I turned my head to face him. 

"If.... if this is my last moments.... then i'm glad I was.... able to..... fight by your side.... Shield Hero, Naofumi. I'll.... I'll buy you the time you need to escape..... so she doesn't get what she wants. Just.... Promise me.... You'll take care of Neela..... and Seamus." I said as I coughed up blood and fell to my knees in front of Glass. 

The 5th HeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon