Order and Chaos

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Be honest, how many of you actually predicted that outcome for the fight? Because I say none of you did. Had it planned all along for Ayu to draw with Todoroki. It's honestly way too tough to pick a winner between the two. Now, the big question is which one of them will move on to the semis? I already have that planned out and, I can say you'll find out not in this chapter, but the next one. Now, i'm trying to kill two birds with one stone in this chapter by doing both Krystal's and Alex's fights. Hopefully it doesn't drag on too long, but we'll see. Now, enough talk! Enjoy!

-POV: Krystal-

"And Midoriya lands a huge blow to Krystal! This fight's been pretty dead even so far, but Krystal looks like she's starting to run out of steam! Can she make some miraculous comeback!? Or does Midoriya have this battle all locked up!?" Present Mic announced as I fell to my knees on my side of the arena. I'd been fighting Midoriya for over 10 minutes now, and he was definitely getting the better of our exchanges. 

"His speed..... and power..... it's so.... immense..... I can barely..... keep up...." I said as I felt the sweat drip down my face. My light magic was landing a few hits but compared to the ones Midoriya gave to me, I wasn't doing nearly enough.

"Look, I know i'm training to be a hero and everything, and that obviously means I have to fight from time to time, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. I can tell you're reaching your limit, so if you don't want to go on anymore, then just say the word. I'll stop for you." Midoriya said to me as I stood back up and took a deep breath. 

"No way! Too much is on the line for me to just quit! No matter how many times you knock me down, i'll always get back up! I may not be a hero the likes that Ayuma and Itsuki are, but I still save people! I'll always win!" I roared with determination as I brought my hands together and moved them to my right side. 

"Krystal looks like she's going to end this right here and now with that same move she used to take down Tokoyami! Let's see if it'll work on the cyan speedster!" Wrath Queen announced as I started pooling my magic into my hands. 

"That attack is incredibly power, so i'll have to close the distance before you can use it! Full Cowl: 30%" Midoriya shouted as his body glowed with that cyan outline again and he took off towards me like a bullet. 

"As source of thy power, I order thee! Decipher the laws of nature and obliterate my target with a light that burns all shadows! Sparkling Heaven Star!!!" I shouted as I thrusted my hands forward and fired a massive beam of golden light at Midoriya. I engulfed him in my attack and, hopefully, it was enough to beat him. 

"Krystal unleashes her super strong attack, but what's this!? It looks like Midoriya's burrowing his way right through it with a drop kick!" Present Mic announced as he was indeed correct. While Midoriya was taking damage, he was still powering through my attack and making his way right to me. 

"A hero must overcome any attack that's thrown at them! I'll endure the pain and push forward to victory!!!" Midoriya cried as he broke through my beam and slammed both of his feet into my chest. He sent me flying along the battlefield and I was just barely able to stay inside the boundary line. I laid on my side in pain. I was sure that last hit from Midoriya cracked some ribs. 

"Like he said..... endure the pain..... and push forward..... to victory!!!!" I roared with passion as I rose back up to my feet. 

"And Krystal gets up yet again! This girl cannot be stopped no matter how hard you hit her! But, with her ace in the hole technique having failed against Midoriya, one wonders what she's going to do next!" Mic announced as I figured that I have no choice now. With all the magic I have left within me, i'm ending this fight now. 

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