Two Final Battles

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I'm thinking that this teams mission will end a lot sooner than I thought it would. I mean, we're into the two big battles for this world, and if I may say, they're going to be epic. Between Wyvern Damos and Naofumi facing the world destroying dragon that is Acnologia, to Neela and a fully revived Tetsa facing the underworld king, Mard Geer. I don't know which will be better, but both are gonna be pretty insane. Maybe not like reality shattering insane levels, but you get the idea. I don't expect this chapter to be long like the battle between Cry and Krystal, but still, expect it to be a little longer than normal. Enjoy!

-POV: Neela-

"I was hoping i'd get to battle the awakened wyvern and this legendary shield hero, but it seems they'd prefer to murder themselves facing an impossible foe. And what have they left for me to deal with? A hybrid demon who's disappointed me to this point, and the weakest of all slaying wizards, the girl who slayed Kyoka. I was looking forward to an actual challenge, but you two will most certainly dash my hopes. A shame. But, maybe your screams of agony will satisfy me....." Mard Geer said as myself and Tetsa faced off with him. With Damos and Naofumi flying up to do battle with Acnologia, it was up to the two of us to take down the king of all demons in this world.

"I'm sure you'll find that the two of us are more than a match for someone like you. Now then, are you going to be a gentleman and let the ladies go first?" Tetsa jokingly said to him.

"By all means. No matter what you do, the result will stay the same. Now, let's see what you can do." Mard Geer said as I made the first move. I leaped forward towards him at high speed and covered my left claw in my black flame.

"Ylhtead Sedah Resyeg!" I roared as I thrusted my claw forward, unleashing a huge stream of flames at Mard Geer. 

"Pathetic!" He shouted as he covered up his body with his two wings. My attack made contact and exploded but Mard Geer came flying out almost immediately and grabbed onto my face. While still flying, he pushed my head against the ground, dragging it along the hard floor.

"Second Origin Release! Ancient Godly Vigor!" I hear Tetsa shout as her dark purple and black armor appeared over her body. 

"Shadow God Slayer Secret Arts: Catastrophes Light!" Tetsa roared as two large purple claws appeared on her hands. She rushed forward and slashed away at Mard Geer. He let go of me to jump back and avoid her attack, but, Tetsa was able to land a light blow on his chest, leaving a few scratch marks on him.

"Hmm.... maybe this won't be as disappointing as I thought...." Mard Geer said as he looked down at the scratches.

"If we got at hit in like that one, then that means he's not unbeatable. Together, we'll find a way to bring him down!" Tetsa said as she grabbed my right hand and helped me stand back up.

"Ll'i og hgih! Uoy og wol!" I said to her as she seemed to understand. 

"That's fine by me!" She said as she now formed her huge bow in her hands as well as three arrows. She took aim with them all at once and then released them at Mard Geer.

"Wall of Thorns!" He shouted as he created a thick grove of thorns around himself to shield him from Tetsa's arrows. I took this chance to charge him while he was focused on Tetsa. I jumped up into the air took flight with my single wing. I flew right above where Mard Geer was and swooped down at him.

"Enough of this! These puny projectiles are meaningless in the face of my power!" Mard Geer shouted as he cut away his thorns and sliced up Tetsa's arrows mid-flight. But, he then noticed I was gone. 

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