A Grimm Fate

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The strike mission is in full gear now, and each team is facing tough opponents right off the bat. Raphtalia and her crew were able to deal with Mercury fairly easily, but did receive some damage in the process, and, while Xev and his side of his team dealt with Emerald, they received little physical damage, but more mental. However, with an ability that can reflect things, it really comes into consideration what can and can't be reflected by the ability. However, since Emerald's hallucinations are something she can emit, then I believe they can be reflected, thus is why I had Xev do that. Now, as a reminder, this is the last chapter for the RWBY mission before we switch back over to team 1 in their world. And, judging by how things are going, i'm thinking that the next time we come to this world, it'll be the last time. We'll see though. Now, enjoy!

-POV: Ren-

As me, Leena, and Drake continued our way through the seemingly endless line of train cars, we were starting to come across less and less enemies. We started to think we were finally reaching the front of the train at last.

"It's gotten way too quiet. I feel like something's about to happen." I thought to myself as we entered through to the next train car. It was empty, just like all the others were for the past while, so we started to cross through it to go onto the next one. However, about halfway through, Drake stopped and started to look around the car. 

"What's up?" Leena asked him out of concern. 

"Not sure. It's just..... I don't know.... I've been using my semblance this entire time but.... it's like it's flickering now. Like sometimes there's another person in here and sometimes there isn't." He explained as we all grew very curious now. 

"How is that possible though? Is someone messing with your semblance to make it less effective?" I asked but Drake shook his head. 

"No, people have tried that before but it's never worked. It can't be tampered with in any way. But this is..... The flickering aura.... I think I've felt it before." Drake said as Leena became a little more curious, as well as, concerned. 

"Friend or foe?" She asked him as he tried to focus. 

"It's to hard to tell.... wait.... I can feel..... *GASP* GET DOWN, NOW!!!" Drake suddenly shouted as he reached over, grabbed the top of both of our heads and then shoved both of us down to the ground, while also dropping down too. And, thankfully he did because a sharp metal spike came flying through the air. Based on where it flew from, it looked like it was going to hit Leena in the back of the head. 

"Definitely foe, then." Leena said as we all rose back up to our feet. We faced our new enemy and saw it was a girl. Her hair was both brown and pink that was split down her scalp, as were her eyes, one brown and one pink. She had on a pink and white jacket, black pants, black gloves, white boots, and she carried a pink and white umbrella on her person.

"Oh, great. Just who we didn't want to see here. Hello, Neo." Drake said to her with an unimpressed voice as she bowed to him gracefully. 

"Old friend of yours?" I asked the two of them as they shook their heads.

"Not even close. Neo Politan, yes that's actually her name, is basically Torchwick's pet. She doesn't talk, but she doesn't need to. She's highly skilled and deadly, so keep your guard up at all times, kid. And don't fall for her imaginative semblance." Drake explained to me as I unsheathed my sword and prepared for combat. Drake pulled out his pistol too and Leena unfolded her bow on her arm and drew an arrow. 

"What do you think? Want me to go first? Or you?" Leena asked Drake as she took aim at Neo. 

"You can have this one. Not like it'll do much anyway." Drake said as Leena released her arrow, making it fly right for Neo. But Neo didn't move a muscle and allowed the arrow to strike her. But, the moment it touched her, it simply went right through. The part of her body that was hit shattered away like glass and she made the gesture of brushing off dust. 

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