Ready for War

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Last chapter felt real good to do. Got to relieve a lot of stress for Ayu and give Moto one hell of a beating. But, like Ayu says, I wish she could beat the hell out of Myne. But we all know how things end up. Only time will determine what happens before we get there. And speaking of time, the next wave is almost here. And, in case for some reason you didn't notice, I introduced a new OC. Alex wasn't my own creation. I owe him all to Kayura-chan on Wattpad. You made a pretty awesome character Kayura! I'll be sure to make the best of him! Now, enjoy!

"Mind telling me what this is all about?" Erhard asked as we all entered his shop to discuss with Melty and Alex. 

"That's what we're trying to figure out. If you'd shut up, then we can get things started." Naofumi rudely said to him. 

"Look , if you're gonna be here, then you gotta let me in on the whole story." Erhard said. 

"Sorry, but this is the only place we knew to go for a private conversation. I promise it won't take too long." I said to him as he sighed and went into the backroom. 

"Now then, who exactly are you two anyway?" Naofumi asked them. 

"First, please accept our apologies. I am first in line to the Melromarc throne but I should've told you that sooner. I am the second princess and second daughter, princess Melty Melromarc." Melty explained. 

"And I am second in line to the throne. I am the first son, second child, and first prince; Prince Alexander Melromarc." Alex explained. 

'Wow, you two are really royalty?" Filo questioned as Melty gave her a nod. 

"Wait, but if you're second child, and Myne isn't first in line, then wouldn't that make you next to claim the throne?" I asked Alex. 

"Unfortunately, no. Ancient scrolls within the Melromarc kingdom depict that the next generation of royalty be ruled by a female. So, as much as I would like to have the throne, it is not my place to object." He explained. 

"Okay, but then how can you be ahead of your older sister?" Raphtalia asked Melty. 

"Our sister has always been a problem child due to certain.... personality difficulties. So the honor was passed down to me instead." Melty explained. 

"Not surprising she got turned down." Naofumi said as I agreed with him. 

"Now then, this might be the perfect opportunity we have here. It could be that-" Melty began to say but Naofumi cut in. 

"You can forget everything, we're outta here. I just can't trust anything you two say. Now, get lost." Naofumi said to them. 

"Please wait, sir. At least hear us out first." Alex pleaded but Naofumi turned his head away. 

"I don't have to listen to a damn word that comes out of any of the filthy royal mouths." Naofumi said as someone entered the shop. 

"Princess Melty, Prince Alexander, his royal majesty calls. Please come with us." A royal knight said. 

"Very well. We have to go now, Filo." Melty said as the two of them left the shop. 

"Well, that went well." I said as Naofumi just gave me a glare. 

"At least let them say what they want to say, then determine if you can trust them or not. And besides, i'm here with you this time, so things would've gone a lot smoother!" I said to Naofumi as he walked right up to me and stared directly into my eyes. 

"And who says I ever needed you!?" He shouted in my face as I just glared back at him. I said no words back to him. I was too shocked at what he just spoke. I simply left the shop and headed back to the carriage. I didn't care what he did now. It wasn't my concern anymore. 

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