I Just Want to Kill

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ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!!! And i'm not talking about Melromarc's queen, in case you couldn't figure that out! Wrath Queen finally puts an end to Shigaraki once and for all and in glorious fashion! And my, did it take quite a toll on her to do it. I think that just might be the most brutal outcome an OC of mine has had at the end of a fight. I mean, between a completely broken body and having to melt off your own arm to save your life, I can't think of anything worse I've made an OC do in a battle. But claps for Wrath Queen for holding on against the Nomu and Shigaraki for as long as she did. She proved why she's one of the greatest heroes ever. Now, let's get right back into the story. Enjoy!

-POV: Leena-

Now that our reinforcements from the third world have finally made it back to this world, we now have a solid fighting chance to win this war. Everyone who these heroes had brought back with them was simply remarkable. The skills we all possessed, the powers and abilities, and even magic elements, it was absolutely mind blowing just to think about it all. But, now was no time to admire everyone who was fighting with you. We had to stay focused on our goal, no matter what. 

I was currently on my own, using my bow to shoot down a large number of enemy foot soldiers who were firing some sort of magical projectile at me. But, even without a semblance to assist me, I was able to dodge their attacks with ease and pick them off at the right moments.

"Come on, guys!! She's just a girl! We can't let beat us!!" One of the soldiers shouted which now pissed me off.

"And what's that supposed to mean!? Are you calling me weak because i'm a girl!? Alright, fine, i'll just have to show you just how strong a girl can be then!" I shouted with fury as I morphed my bow to its blade form and sprinted towards all of the enemies in front of me.

"Shoot her down!!" Another soldier shouted as they all aimed their staffs at me and fired more magical projectiles. In response, I jumped up high into the air, flipping over the enemies and landing behind them all. 

"You might be quite shocked to see what I can do!" I shouted as my blade suddenly began to glow yellow. I had imbued it with electric type Dust shards. I swung my blade at my enemies, slicing them up with every swing as I delivered a painful jolt at the same time. Each and every one of them screamed in pain as they fainted from the shock. And now, only one was left standing. 

"What the hell are you? Some kind of monster?" The man asked with fear in his voice as I approached him. 

"Maybe to you, but i'm just a normal human girl. Now, do you take back what you said? About girls being weak?" I asked the man as he gritted his teeth and aimed his staff at me. 

"Not at all!! I'm still gonna kill you!!!" He shouted as he fired another projectile at me. To counter it, I swung my arm with my blade on it and smashed my weapon against the attack. I smacked it away from me as we both watched his attack strike another enemy soldier. 

"Really? You're trying to kill me with that kind of attack? Jeez, maybe it's men who are the weak ones." I said as I walked up to the man and yanked his staff out of his hands. I then lifted him up by his collar and morphed my weapon back to its sheathed form. 

"Please!! Don't kill me!!" The man begged as I just rolled my eyes. 

"Alright, I won't. But that doesn't mean this won't hurt!" I shouted as I drove my other fist into the man's face, forcing it downward until I smashed his head into the ground. I buried his head in the earth, also leaving an imprint of my fist on his face. 

"Who's weak now?" I said to him as I then heard a woman scream from somewhere. I looked around and my eyes met with someone who came to this world with the axe and bow heroes team. I watched as she impaled a man with hands all over his body with what looked like a flaming spear before fainting herself and falling onto her left side. 

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