The Next in Control

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That's right! The demon is not gone yet. No, no, no. Far from it to be exact, as you just found it. No, it's here to stay, and it's sure to strike again. Not now, not soon, but it's definitely coming. And now, Ayu has to remain calm to only just slow its healing process. In all honesty, I wouldn't want to be in her shoes with trying to stay calm. In a world like shield hero, it's literally impossible to stay calm when the waves are always right around the corner. And, we can't forget the "gift," the demon left for Ayu. Kinda felt right to me to let her have those wings. We'll see how they impact her in the future. Now, let's get back into the story. Enjoy!

The next morning, nothing had really changed. My wings were still on me, meaning the encounter with the demon was not a dream at all. And they itched like crazy, it was driving me insane. And they would spread out and start flapping on their own. It kept me from sleeping much. And, on top of all that, my legs were still shot. I couldn't move them an inch. So, I was forced to move around in a wheelchair until my legs were fully healed. It felt embarrassing having to sit in this stupid chair. It made me feel useless. 

When I awoke, the nurses said I could remove the bandages over where my left eye used to be. But, I now had to where an eye patch over it. Great, another thing that's making me itchy. The nurses also helped me suit up into my new armor. Even though it was the exact same, it felt lighter than usual. Probably because Alex used a different material to craft it. But, what felt the most different was the slits in the back. My wings slipped through it and spread out again, flapping a lot and briefly lifting me off the ground. 

"Cut it out!" I shouted as they stopped and I landed on my butt. The nurses helped me stand since I didn't have the strength to and they put me in my wheelchair. One then handed me my axe and I placed it in the strap on my back. 

"How do you feel today, miss Ayuma?" Neela asked as she came into the room. 

"Better than yesterday. Wish I could walk though. And not have this stupid thing over my face." I said as I scratched at the eye patch. 

"I'm sure you'll get used to that. Now then, we must make our way to the throne room. The queen has ordered all five cardinal heroes to gather there." Neela said as I gave her a nod. 

"Please, if I may, allow me to take care of her." Neela said as the nurses backed away, letting her push me through the castle. Today was the day everyone found out the truth. Today.... me and Naofumi would be cleared of all the false accusations placed on us. 

"Where's Alex today, Neela? I thought he'd drop by like yesterday." I said. 

"I don't know where he is. My best guess would be with his sisters and the queen. I did overhear one of the nurses saying that he was going to do something today, though." Neela said as I just sighed. 

"Oh well. I'm sure we'll see him and everyone else very, very soon. Now, to the throne room! I jokingly commanded Neela as she stopped pushing me. I turned around and saw her giving me a glare. 

"Uh....... sorry! Being in this wheelchair is frustrating enough so i'm just trying to keep my spirits high." I explained as Neela sighed and nodded her head. 

"I see. Well, hopefully you regain your leg strength soon. I hope I won't have to push you around everywhere from now on." She jokingly said as we came around a corner to the entrance to the throne room. Standing at the entrance were Naofumi and his party, along with Ren, Motoyasu, and Itsuki. 

"Hello, boys....." I said to them as I gave Naofumi a smile and the other three an intimidating glare. 

"Glad to see you're finally awake. Right, guys?" Naofumi said as he looked to the other three. 

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