A World of Heroes

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And we're off in this soon to be amazing arc! Or, I guess I should say arcs. So, here's how things will go down. This insanely long arc I spoke about before will consist of 3 mini arc within it, each based off an already existing arc in another anime. And, as you've probably guessed, the first mini arc is based off My Hero Academia! I've also decided that each of the characters we've come to know in MHA will now be in their third year at U.A. And, the arc chosen from it will be the all too well known sports festival! Lots of action to look forward to soon, as well as my very first OC I ever made, who you've all just met, which is Cry. He's sure to bring lots to the table, and in style. Now, let's get back into the story, shall we? Enjoy!

"My name is Tenshonoma Cryshiki. Just call me "Cry." I'm a third year hero in training at U.A high school. Code name: Arsenal. Please, stand down while I deal with these criminals." Cry said to us as he floated down to the ground on his platform made of wind. 

"Just who the heck is this guy? We had the situation under control, and here's this guy, swooping in out of nowhere." I thought to myself as Cry made the wall of glass between us and the thugs disappear with a snap of his fingers. 

"I will give you all one chance. Surrender now or I will be forced to get rough." Cry said to them as he clenched his diamond fist near his face. 

"We've got a real frankenstein's monster here, don't we, boys? Now, listen pal, just because you're a third year at U.A, that doesn't make you special. So, if you don't want a death wish, then I suggest you and these dorky looking cosplayers step aside." The thug with the cannon arm said as he took aim at Cry. 

"Listen, Cry, or whatever your name is, we can help you take down these idiots. We've handled plenty like their type before." Itsuki said to him as he glanced back to us all. 

"I appreciate the offer to help but I don't need your help. Now then, I assume by that last remark that you're not surrendering?" Cry asked as he looked back over to the thugs. 

"No, you dumbass! We're gonna stomp all over you until you're a bloody puddle on the ground!" The 40ft thug said as Cry let out a smile. 

"Glad to hear we can do things my way, then." He said as the thug with the cannon arm fired one of his cannon balls. It flew so fast, aimed right at Cry's face. But, within the blink of an eye, Cry reached up with his diamond right arm and caught the cannon ball, stopping all of its momentum in an instant. 

"A cannon ball like this normally hits with a force of just over 50,000 PSI. To break diamond that's the size of my arm, you'd need at least 14.5 times that power to just crack it. Honestly, it felt like you just threw a baseball to me. So, i'll return the favor. Catch!" Cry said as he reeled back his right arm. His body's veins and his entire right arm began to glow purple and we could see his muscles were slightly increasing in size. 

"Strength Boost x5! Muscle Mass increase by 20%!" Cry yelled as he threw the cannon ball back at the same thug. If you had blinked, you would've missed it all. He threw the ball so fast that it looked like it teleported, smashing into the thugs face, easily knocking multiple teeth out, breaking his nose, among other things, and sending him flying backwards through the air. 

"Holy shit!" The other two thugs said at the same time as they were stunned to see their comrade be beaten so easily. 

"So..... which one of you is next?" Cry said, taunting the criminals. 

"You little shit! I'm gonna murder you for hurting my friend!" The thug with 4 arms yelled as he charged Cry. 

"Is that a fact? Then let's see if you can do any better than your pal." Cry said to him as his veins glowed purple again. He then snapped his fingers but nothing happened. Cry simply stood there as the thug ran right over to him. 

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