Monster Brawl

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And just like that, another team has completed their mission. And now, only one remains. We're approaching the final part of this arc pretty fast now and I, for one, cannot wait to begin it. But, there's some things that i'm sure are lingering in your mind right now. And i'm sure it's mostly about Neela. What's going to happen to her? I mean, she's going full demon just like Ayu does, but for now, she's still got control over herself. What's going to happen to her in the future? I'm gonna be a total d**khead and not tell you. Nope! We've gotta get through our final team before we even come close to finding out about her! So, let's get into their mission! Enjoy!"

-POV: Ren-

After a hard fought battle against the quiet assassin, Neo, myself, Drake, and Leena were finally able to catch up to Torchwick. However, upon reaching him, he took off in an airship along with all the drugs he made to turn people into creatures of Grimm. At first, I thought that was it for us. That we'd failed our mission. But, I was quickly proven wrong when Drake revealed what he was truly capable of. 

During our battle against Neo, he was pushed t his limits and transformed into this half human, half Grimm hybrid creature. It increased all his physical capabilities and I thought that was it for him. But, when Torchwick made his escape in his airship, Drake went even further by completely turning into a creature of Grimm. The form he could take was, well, of a Drake, a huge 60 foot dragon. And now, both myself and Leena are riding on top of his back, flying after Torchwick to finally end this terror he's trying to spread around the world.

"I can see his ship!!! He's just up ahead!!! Drake, get us close enough so we can board it!!" Leena shouted to the huge black and red dragon creature as it responded with a roar. We flew so fast that, in no time, we were now right above the airship. Drake swooped down next to it and then glided so he could extend his wings out. Me and Leena walked along his left wing and then hopped onto the top of Torchwick's airship. 

"Keep an eye out for things out here, Drake! We'll handle the inside!" I said as he gave me a nod. Drake then flew back a few dozen feet and followed the ship at a safe enough distance. Meanwhile, me and Leena approached a hatch on the top of the ship. I opened it up and we both jumped inside. 

On the inside, we found we landed in the ships cargo hold. Before us was the crate with all the Grimm drugs inside. 

"Well, here's one part of the mission. Now all we need to do is find the annoying dealer and get all this over with." Leena said as she flipped open her bow and drew an arrow. I unsheathed my sword as we approached the door to the cockpit.

"Okay, on three, we go in and take him down, got it?" Leena said to me as I gave her a nod. 

"1.... 2..... 3!!!" She shouted as she hit a button to make the door slide open. We both burst into the cockpit but found no one was steering this airship. 

"Damn it! He's not here!! He must've put it on autopilot!" Leena said as we walked around to indeed find no one here. 

"Where could he have gone though? I mean, we saw him in here when he was taking off, right? He's got to be here somewhere." I said as Leena agreed with me.

"Spread out. He's still here, somewhere. It's only a matter of time before we find him." Leena said as she went back into the cargo hold to check all the other crates that were back there. I stayed in the cockpit and checked all the compartments that were in it. 

"If I were a drug runner/crime lord, where would I hide in a small airship?" I asked myself as I opened up a rather large cabinet, one big enough to hold a person. Unfortunately, no one was in it. But, on the other side of the cockpit was a second one. It was the only other place in here that could hold a person of Torchwick's size. I approached it with my sword ready and grabbed onto its knob. I then turned and opened up the cabinet to find nothing inside this one either. 

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